Xralax A III

Planet in the Xralax System, which is owned by the Xalarin Council  Xralax A III is a large ice giant world orbiting the neutron star of the system. As neutron stars emit little light, this planet is extremely cold. This arguably makes it have little wind, which makes it safe to collect gas form orbit but the heavier elements of ice giants are less valuable than that of gas giants, so in practice it is not exploited so much.The planet is frequently bombarded by magnetic fields from the neutron star though. This can sometimes cause thunder in the planet as ionized particles are effected by the magnetic field. This can be easily avoided though by covering any part of the station (e.g. gas collection cables) with conductive paths called a faraday cage.   The unique location of this ice giant means this lightning phenomenon is studied. Orbiting the ice giant are several laboratories that study the effects of the magnetic field on the planet, as well as various other things that are useful to test within the magnetic field.
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