Xralax A QCD matter extractor

A megastructure built around the neutron star in the Xralax System which is owned by the Xalarin Council.   The XC constructed the megastructure to extract neutron QCD matter from the neutron star. This is done through use of powerful Graviton Wave Refraction to manipulate gravity in a way that makes it safe to build a ring world in a very short radius. This ring world collects neutrons from an orbital radius less than 1 kilometre from the surface of the neutron star. As neutrons have no magnetic moment the station has to use graviton wave refraction instead to harvest neutrons, which is difficult because it must fight the extremely powerful gravity of the rest of the star. As such, this ring world collects gravitons from many different directions around the star, so the ring world has a single point of highly focused gravitational waves which is used to attract neutrons into the collection array of the ring world itself. It then emits these neutrons to another ring world in a higher orbit which stores them and finally allows them to be shipped off.   The station has made a surprisingly small impact on the planetary orbits despite collecting gravitons from the equator (it was built like that to avoid the extreme magnetism at the poles) because it is only required to collect a small amount of them, from the entire equator, to exceed the gravitation at one point. Also, the XC can predict the orbits of the planets and avoid taking gravitons from any location that a planet requires to orbit.Due to the highly sophisticated nature of the megastructure, it has become culturally significant as a testament to Xalarin engineering. Even the Hyperion Federation recognizes it as highly advanced, with inventive ingenuity.
Megastructure, Stellar scale
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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