Amos Stolman

Lord Castellan Amos Stolman (a.k.a. Famous Amos)

Amos Stolman is the Castellan of Hekmo Keep and Lord Commander of the Watch for the City of Hekmo.  He is a 28year-old Human that has made himself invaluable to the Duke of Hekmo through simpering and flattery.   Amos commands more than 500 men-at-arms spread between the Watch and the Duke's Guard, the elite troop of soldiers tasked with safety and protection of Turl am Nari and his household.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very strong, fit, handsome and well-spoken.  A compentent rider and adequate with a sword and lance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amos was born the oldest son of a very minor noble house in the City of Hekmo.  His father, Amon Stolman, had been a knight in service to Duke Torn am Nari.  Amon had been riding with Duke Torn as his second during the tournament in which the Duke was killed in 190 AF.  The new Duke, Turl, dismissed Amon for failing to protect the old Duke.  Amos found favor with Turl by fawning and flattering the Duke at every opportunity and by making himself seem more suited to high position than his abilities actually waranted.

Failures & Embarrassments

Amos has created a name for himself as a champion on the lists.  In actual fact, however, he has only ever competed in "tournaments" conducted within his own Watch and Guard units, and thus has never faced an actual competent opponent.

Personality Characteristics


Driven to succeed with as little effort or cost on his part as possible.  Talks endlessly about subjects he actually knows very little about.

Vices & Personality flaws

A consumate braggart that has very little experience to support his alleged expetise in combat, tournament or otherwise.  When competing against his men-at-arms, he has been known to beat his opponents savagely, even when they yield the fight.  He has never fought against an opponent that was a match for himself and instead picks weaker and less capable men to face-off against to ensure his "undefeated" status within his ranks.


Family Ties

Amos comes from a very minor noble family with a small estate just west of the Duke's residence at Hekmo Keep.  His father is a disgraced knight of the duchy that has taken to drink and grown immensely fat.  His mother is an attendent Lady for Her Grace, the Duchess Sara.
Aligned Organization