Sara Waldegrave (wald-grave)

Her Grace, Duchess Sara Nari- Waldegrave

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, slight and frail-looking, but she has a mother's strength and determination.  Slim figure, doesn't look particularly suited to childbirth.  Soft, round face with light brown eyes and long, silky brown hair.

Special abilities

Sara has an innate ability to influence her husband, when she is moved to do so.  A whisper in his ear is usually all it takes to ensure that the Duke will follow her wishes or advice, but she does not use this influence often.

Apparel & Accessories

Sara comes from humble stock, and continues to dress and conduct herself as "common" rather than high-born. Her tone and demeanor are much appreciated in the Duchy castle by the servants and staff, less so by the established nobility and wealthy members of society.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sara was born to a poor merchant family that sells salted fish to markets in the north of the Duchy of Hekmo. Taxes and fees levied by the Duchy make profits margins small, and increased demand by military suttlers in the far north are offset by fixed prices set by the Duke.  Since becoming the wife of the Duke, the Waldegrave family has risen far in the society of the duchy but it is still not a particularly wealthy family and any influence that the family might wield is solely at the hands of Sara.   Little is known about how the Duke met Sara, but their marriage came quickly on the heels of the announcement. Sara gave birth to their first son within the year. She is devoted to all her sons, and seems to genuinely be loved by the Duke, who is 25 years older than she is. She has not become pregnant for 18 years, but the couple still seem to get along rather well.  Sara neither trusts nor tolerates her stepson Torum.  She sees him as a vain and hateful man spoiled by his wealth and position and resentful of her sons for their close relationships with Turl.

Personality Characteristics


Sara is driven to see her sons reach the highest levels of prestige and influence possible. She pushes them hard, and manipulates her husband to get them everything she thinks they need. She does not spoil them, however. She can be quite hard and demanding, if she feels it is in their best interests.

Likes & Dislikes

Sara does not like her step-son, Torum am Nari, the Duke's first-born son. She finds him rediculous in the extreme, crass and uncultured. This is especially ironic because that is exactly how Torum describes her to his peers.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is devoted to her three boys, and she is a good wife to Turl.  Sara is also openly concerned about the welfare of the "common" folk of the duchy.  She frequently voices concerns about the level of taxation levied across the region by her husband and his officials, which does not often endear her to the said officials who are directly benefiting from the taxes collected.



She has been married to the Duke for 22 years.

Religious Views

Sara holds a particularly deep devotion to the goddess Gaeta, the Mother-goddess.  She routinely participates in all holiday rituals and sacrifices to Gaeta, and insists her boys do the same, whenever possible.

Social Aptitude

Sara is gracious, outwardly friendly and surprisingly curteous given her humble upbringing. She has made many friends within the Duke's circle of influence and is respected by many at court, including the High King.


Sara Waldegrave


Towards Turl am Nari


Turl am Nari


Towards Sara Waldegrave


Wealth & Financial state

Sara has no wealth of her own, as her parents struggled to make ends meet before she wed the Duke. She has, however, emassed a significant sum of gold since marrying the Duke, and keeps it hidden in several small, safe hiding spots throughout the grounds of the Duke's residence.  This gold she uses to purchase her son's necessaries in armor, weapons, steeds and equipment in their ongoing careers as knights of the Realm, so that she does not ever have to ask her husband for money.
Turl am Nari (Husband)
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations