Royal Domains of Northern Imesse

The Royal Domains, or the Crown Land, of the High Kingdom of Imesse are lands owned, ruled and administered by the Kings of Imesse themselves. They are lands, properties and domains not under the authority of any other duchy, barony or noble ownership.    In the north of Imesse, these lands constitute an area greater than 90,000 square miles and a population of more than 184,000 souls. There are 19 walled cities, dozens of walled towns and nearly a thousand villages scattered throught this vast area of the country. Stretching from the Reldloth River in the east to the far western extent of the Kingdom, and from the Colian frontier in the north to the banks of the Caldar River in the south, it is a vast tract of land, and an immense responsibility to manage and administer.  All revenues and taxes collected from these lands and properties belong to the Kingdom itself, to be used as the King sees fit. The annual revenues gained from taxes and income stemming from the Royal Domains exceed 1,300,000 guilders.


Ruled by the High King of Imesse and administered in his name by the Lord High Constable of Imesse.

Demography and Population

Total population of 184,000 souls.  Nearly 160,000 of them are Humans, and less than 23,000 are Halflings.  Population is extremely rural, wth only a handful of cities with populations of more than 8,000 people.  The average town's population is less than 2,700 people.


90,000 square miles of largely unpopulated lands, stretching from the middle of the Realm to the western extent and from the northern frontier to the Caldar.  The largest city is Beldar on the Calas River, followed by Northridge, Scaram, Kington and Bobrick.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Crown Land, King's Domain
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories