Bollard Bolder

Lord Chancellor Bollard Bolder

Bollard Bolder was the great grandson of Dillard the Golden, and the grand nephew of the last King of Cobal, Willard the White. He was active in Willard's administration, taking on many of the roles his father, Dillson Bolder had held before his death at the young age of 20 years.   At the age of 21, Bollard was given the title of Lord Keeper of the Seal and as such was responsible for administering the use and placement of the King's Seal on any document or decree.  Bollard took a captaincy during the The First Cobal-Imesse War in 93 AF and aquitted himself very well.  At the end of the war, he was named Lord Chancellor of the Realm, making him one of the most powerful figures in the Kingdom of Cobal.   At age 31, Bollard married Elena Forde (paternal aunt to the future Lord Regent) and they would have one son. Tragically, like his own father before him, Bollard would drown while travelling from Jemptal to Stomar when his ship collided with another in a think fog. Elena named the son Bollson.
32 at his death
70 AF 102 AF 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Caldar River
Current Residence
Body never recovered
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations