Brannic Hornhem

Lord Commander, Brannic Hornhelm

Brannic Hornhelm is the current Lord Commander of the Walls for the City of Thorahl. He is a veteran of more than a century of Legionaires service and has led thousands of Dwarves into battle over that time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brannic was a young Sergeant of Legionaries in 108 AF during the Ten Winter War. During the defense of the City of Manmor, Brannic was given charge of the defense of the city's main gates. He and his Company of Legionaries from the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl took to the walls and towers of Manmor and faced a massed army of Orcs that numbers more than 2,000. During the initial attack, both of the ranking commanders of his Company were killed, and Brannic was left solely in command. For five days and nights, he and his fellow Legionaries fought off attack after attack, using every possible weapon and resource available to them. When they ran out of crossbow bolts, they used arrows. When the arrows ran out, they used slings. When the stones ran out, they began to disassemble the inner face of the walls they were standing on and use those. In the last attacks, when the Orcs managed to get right up to the gates, Brannic led three sorties out of the gates to push the Orcs back. After the last of these sorties, the piles of dead Orcs were so tall that his Legionaries had to literally climb over the dead bodies to get back into the city.   After finally being supported by an attack from outside the city, Brannic watched as the 300 remaining Orcs fled and left his Dwarves still in possesion of the city gates. Of the 108 Legionary Dwarves that started the defense of the gates, 71 were still fighting strong and only nine had been killed. The commander of the relieving force later estimated the number of dead Orcs at more than 1,500.
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations