Dwarven Clans

The Clans of the Dwarves are groups of various families that are connected through culture and tradition to each other under the banner and authority of a Clan Chief. There are dozens of Clans within the Dwarven cultures across the globe, but there are only six Great Clans. These are the Clans that coalesced first amongst all the Dwarven peoples and have since established homelands wtihin the Gorgomoth Mountains of Aria. The Lesser Clans are just as passionate and dedicated to their Chiefs and kin, but are far less populous and have not managed to carve out an independent region, no matter how small or large, of their own. Many are still trying, however...   The six Great Clans have fully self-sufficient societies centered around individual city-states carved into the mountains of Gorgomoth. They are, from west to east:   Clan Silkbeard, located in Hontrim   Clan Redbeard, located in Dhoros   Clan Blackbeard, located in Thorahl   Clan Longbeard, located in Dimrahl   Clan Broadbeard, located in Gihdun   Clan Forkbeard, located in Vendural   Of the other Lesser Clans, the largest and most influential are still scattered and spread across great swaths of the map. By population, they are ranked:   Ironhand, Shortbeard, Redfist, Stoneback, Hardhelm, and Silverbeard.


Major language groups and dialects

All Dwarves speak Dwarvish, and the vast majority of Dwarves known today worship the gods of the Dwarves with the same traditions and ceremonies.

Major organizations

Six Great Clans and dozens of Lesser Clans, all led by a Clan Chief that is the embodiment of the entire Clan.
Related Organizations
Related Locations