Citadel of Thorahl

The Citadel of Thorahl is the fortress that defends the primary entrance into the underground City of Thorahl.

Purpose / Function

The main means of defense for the main entrance to the City of Thorahl.


The Citadel is a massive structure built into a recess in the mountain face and protecting the main road into the City.  It stands 90' tall and is flanked by two towers extending along the sides of the recess.  These tower faces and the Citadel itself create a kill zone at the gate of the city, allowing archers and defenders to rain down death and destruction on any attackers that reach the gates themselves.


The Citadel is 9 stories of arrow loops and machicolations that provide a murderous barrage of missiles and material to be hurled at attacking enemies.  Creating an encircled area of roughly 90' wide and 50' deep immediately in front of the main gates.  The Gates themselves are 24' wide and 20' high and 30' deep with three sets of 12' oak gates banded in heavy iron and sealed with iron bars.  Within the Gate are additional arrow loops and murder holes that allow fire and death to be poured on any unfortunate that makes it into the room.   There are two large "War Houses" located to each side of the Citadel within the living stones of the mountain.  Each of these houses can keep, feed and equip 1,000 Legionaires for more than a month while they defend the Inner Ward and the main Gates.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location