City of Len Doa

Len Doa is the largest city in the High Kingdom of Imesse, and the seat of the Duchy of Len Doa. It is an ancient city, dating back more than 800 years. It has a population of more than 29,000 people and is one of the busiest port cities in the known world.   The city is divided by rings of walls that date back centuries, each ring older than the last as one approaches the city's center.   The population is very diverse. Humans, Halflings, Dwarves, Gnomes and Elves all have a measurable presence in the city, and all add to the flavor and dynamic of a busy, prosperous and wealthy community.


Duke Landan am Ahmi is the highest authority, but he has the help and assistance of many appointed administrators.


Strong, newly completed outer walls and gates provide an excellent defense for the city, as do the walls encompassed by the newest circuit.  Much of the inner most wall and its gates are demolished, however, having been used as a convenient quarry for nearly 400 years.

Industry & Trade

Len Doa's primary industry is maritime shipping.  It is one of the busiest ports in the world, and the busiest port in all of Imesse.  Tens of thousands of tons of cargo move through the port every year, via sea-going and river-going vessels.  There are legations and embassies from every country on the map within the city, as well as merchants, freighters, shippers, artisans and brokers from nearly every city on the map.


Len Doa is a thriving city, and has had much improvements done to its infrastructure over the last decade.  Most major roads are well-paved with dressed pavers or large cobbles, all outer walls are gates are fully functional and fully manned, and the port facilities are some of the best in the world.


Len Doa is an ancient city.  First laid out hundreds of years before the founding of the kingdoms, it has been a seat of significant power and authority for centuries.  Prior to the founding of Imesse, it was the capital of a petty kingdom named after the city.  Numerous strongholds have been built on the site, destroyed and built again.  The inner-most city walls are more than 300 years old, far older than the duchy.


Len Doa is built on a limestone bluff looking over the mouth of the Calas River and the great Eastern Sea.


Cold, wet winters in an ice free harbor, with hot, humid summers.
Waterfront at Lowtown after a storm.
Founding Date
357 BF
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization