Bell Gate District of Len Doa

Bell Gate is a neighborhood in the northwest corner of the city of Len Doa.  It is centered around the gatehouse found in the outer city wall named "Bell Gate" for the large bronze bell mounted in in its tower as a means of sounding an alarm in the event of danger.   Bell Gate District lies almost directly north of the Low Town District when looking on a map.  Like Low Town it is roughly one square mile in area.  It has as its main artery the thoroughfare know by locals as Bell Street, which runs from the northeast portion of the neighborhood to the southwest, and joins up with High Street on its way to the Castle District in the old city.   Bell Gate has almost as many people living outside the walls as live inside.  There are warehouses, inns, taverns, block houses and many multistory tenements just a few hundred feet outside the gate, while inside the gate are holding yards, warehouses and shops catering to the caravans, carters and freighters that bring so much of the needed food and resources into the city.

Purpose / Function

Bell Gate is a neighborhood in the city of Len Doa.


Since the completion of the entirety of the outer walls and gates, the area of Bell Gate has grown rapidly.  Numerous warehouses, storehouses and holding yards have been built up, and all the industry and infrastructure to support the caravan and freight trade are to be found here.


Outside the Bell Gates are several very busy inns, three of which are The Running Carriage Inn, the Carrywood Inn, and the Cock's Crow Inn.  There is also a rather neglected but functional Holy House for practitioners of the Druidic faith, and three different Maranonic shrines located along the roads and alleys.   Inside the gates are more warehouses and shops, along with even more shops, stores, vendors and artificers.  Two of the largest inns in the entire city are here:  The Watchmen's Light and the Wagon House Inn.
Neighborhood in Len Doa
A view of the Bell Gate from within the city walls.
Parent Location
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization