Landan am Ahmi

Duke Landan am Ahmi

Landan am Ahmi is the current Duke of Len Doa. He is the only son of the previous Duke, with five older sisters. Landan's father, Duke Lewin am Ahmi, was a close member of the court of High King Max II and a very close ally to the Duke of Hekmo. His involvement with Hekmo's failed invasion of Cobal brought him into serious trouble with Max II and most of the nobles of the Kingdoms. The only reason he avoided scandal and disgrace was his untimely death and the appointment of his only son, Landan, as the new Duke.   Landan is 38 years old and unwed, very fit and active and he loves to compete in tournaments. Even after being sriously injured in a joust with a broken lance piercing his face, he love the challenge of the competition and is quite accomplished at it.   Landan is a personal friend of Duke Lomain and is very close to King Mak II. He is a close cousin to Leland am Ahmi, the Duke of Ben Doa. He has a running feud with Turl am Nari the Duke of Hekmo that is becoming quite serious.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, athletic, lean

Facial Features

Blonde hair and beard, hazel eyes, round face.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar on right side of face where he was stabbed by a broken lance in a tournament.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Landan is a passionate tournament competitor. He loves the challenges presented by riding, jousting, the melee and the skills championships. He strives to better himself at all aspects of the sports, from archery and running to riding, racing and jousting.   Landan became Duke when his father, Lewin am Ahmi, died in the failed invasion of Cobal.  That same year, Landan competed in his first joust as Duke, and in the last contest of the tournament he was seriously wounded when a broken lance pierced his helmet visor and stabbed into his right cheek.  He still bears the physical scar of the wound, and seems to enjoy telling and retelling the story at any chance he gets.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Landan has ushered in a period of prosperity and plenty to the duchy that is literally unprecedented.  His ducal revenues are higher than they have ever been, the City of Len Doa is growing each and every year, people are (for the most part) safe, happy and content.

Mental Trauma

Landan fought in the Hekmo invasion of Cobal. While defending the crossing of the army over the Wool River at the village of Smallford Crossing, Landan had his horse shot dead from under him and he was trapped facing nearly an entire Regiment of Dragoons. He was saved by his close friend and comrade, Monty am Lomanni, who died saving him. This tragedy was the basis for the life-long friendship that has grown up between Landan and Lomain am Lomanni.

Personality Characteristics


Landan knows what the rumors say about his father's involvement in the Cobal invasion, and he is fully aware of how Turl am Nari has manipulated the facts to make himself look better at the expense of the now dead Duke Lewin.  Landan's deep-seated sense of honor and family loyalty has fed his outrage at the conduct of the Duke of Hekmo.  This sense of outrage has only grown over the last several years as Turl has openly advocated raiding and pirating of goods and resources moving into the Duchy of Len Doa for no reason other than to harm the populus and Landan's reputation.


Contacts & Relations

Close friends with King Mak, Duke Lomain and Duke Dogar.

Family Ties

Landan is the first cousin of Duke Leland am Ahmi.  The efforts of their two fathers have brought two of the most powerful duchies in the Kingdoms under the rule of one branch of the Ahmi family tree once again.
Date of Birth
August 22
Ben Doa
Current Residence
Len Doa
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations