Military of Imesse

Almost all nobles or lords of Imesse will raise and field troops in the same fashion and formation. There is no standardized structure to an army unit in Imesse, but history and tradition have given a format that most leaders prefer to follow.   Some units have been raised and trained for specific purpose or mission, but as a general rule, there are THREE standard types of soldiers employed by the rulers of Imesse:   Company of Lancers: Any mounted or cavalry unit employed by Imesse in wartime is referred to as Lancers. Traditionally raised at a company-sized level, then organized in larger regimental-sized units as needed.   Company of Foot: Traditional infantry, often levies and varying widely in experience and training. Raised in company-sized units.   Company of Archers: This is a broad, generic term for militia-based companies of archers, usually also armed with pikes or halbards. The least-trained of all levied units available to Imesse.   Better trained, better equipped and more experrienced units are typically named units with a professional or semi-professional status in their respective locale. Some examples are:   Lorancourt Lancers   The Grey Riders   Blackguard Regiment   Mull Rangers
Army of Imesse
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles