Edina Doddle

Lady Edina Doddle- Shaw

Lady Edina Doddle is the proprietor of the Carrigan House, the largest such establishment in the city of Lorancourt.  She has been the owmer of the Carrigan House for ten years and runs it now with the assistance of her children and their families.   Edina is a widow, her husband having died ten years earlier. Upon the death of her husband (named Bertram Doddle), Duke Lomain paid for the funeral and named Edina "Lady" for services rendered to the duchy at some time in the past. This caused quite a stir in the community, as no other woman (Halfling or otherwise) had ever been named a noble in Lorancourt.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Soft, beautiful snow-white hair kept in long heavy braids, bright sky-blue eyes, and warm smile that lights up a room.

Identifying Characteristics

As a Lady of the Realm, Edina can wear a coronet to show her nobility, but she is far too humble for that.  Duke Lomain had a band of hammered gold made that she could wear to keep her hair out of her face.  Whenever she wears it, her white hair is bound with the hammered gold band... and her coronet appears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Edina was born Edina Shaw in 158 AF on a farm near the City of Mull.  Her parents were smallhold swine farmers, but when she met a young bargeman named Bertram Doddle at the age of 16, she marrid him quick and left the farm for life on a canal barge.  Edina and Bertram worked the barges for more than 40 years as man and wife, and raised four children.  They finally ended up working a regular barge run from Mull to Minsloth, and it was at the riverbanks of Minsloth where Edina would meet Lomain am Lomanni in 215 AF.   Edina was at the crossing of the Caldar River 18 years ago, when Duke Hekmo led the remnants of his forces back across the river and into Imesse. Duke Lomain (only a knight then) led the rearguard action to buy the rest of the forces time to cross. Upon gaining the far bank, Hekmo left the rearguard and took all the troops that could run or ride with him towards the city of Beldoah. Wounded in the shoulder and exhausted from the month-long rout that the Cobal forces had put them in, Lomain lost his horse in the crossing and began to flounder in the swift current of the Caldar. The other riders with Lomain failed to see this, and he would have drowned but for the efforts of a nearly 60-year-old Halfling woman that happened to be at the riverbank watching the disaster unfold.   Edina caught Lomain's panicked horse, took a length of rope from the saddle and looped one end to the saddle horn and took the other with her into the river. She reached Lomain just as he was going under, but there was no way she was going to be able to pull him out alone. She wrapped the rope around her as tightly as she could, dove down and grabbed onto the armor that was dragging Lomain to the riverbed. When the current had taken the slack out of the rope, Lomain's mount began to move away from the water that it was being dragged towards. Edina held her breath until the horse brought her out enough for her to breath, and then she urges it to continue to pull. She managed to drag the heavy, armored and unconscious knight to a place where he could breath air rather than muddy water, and began to breath into his mouth to kickstart his own lungs.   Eventually, Lomain coughed an unholy amount of water back into the river, and recovered enough to chase after Hekmo, leaving Edina still sitting in the water. Her husband, Bertram, was furious at the bold and ungrateful manner that the tall knight abandoned Edina after all she had done for him. Eventually, Lomain did look for the Halfling woman that had saved him, but Bertram forbid any sort of contact between his wife and the ungrateful knight.   Lomain honored the angry Bertram's wishes, at least until his death. When the man died suddenly of a stroke, Lomain, now Duke of Lorancourt, paid for the funeral and tomb, paid all the debts that had still existed for the widow, and made her "Lady" Edina Doddle, Noble of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse and free of all duchy taxes and tithes for the rest of her life.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of the Realm, Noble of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse, free of all taxes and tithes for the rest of her days.
Druidic faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations