City of Lorancourt


6,720 Humans (56%)  3,480 Halflings (29%) 1,320 Dwarves (11%) 480 Gnomes (4%)


Directly ruled by the Duke of Lorancourt


The City of Lorancourt maintains and quarters a full four companies of soldiers and one of cavalry. Two are stationed at the southern approaches to the towers at all times (both Blackguard Companies), while the others (Companies of Foot) are rotated through the rest of the city's defenses regularly, and the cavalry patrol the exterior roads and walls daily. The gates are closed every sunset, and do not open again until one hour after sunrise.

Industry & Trade

Just upstream of the bridge (to the west of the city) is a large river port.  Drydocks, slips, quays and canals can tend to as many as 200 vessels every day.  There are similar facilities ono the north bank, as well.


Much of the city is newly constructed by the Duke.  The castle is nearly all new, with only the inner bailey and the old square keep remaining from the old fortress.  The city walls are freshly completed and of the latest design using the finest materials available.  Roads are paved with cobble and crushed stone.  Many multistory buildings are of stone.


The are several distinct districts here. Just outside the walls of the city are several neighborhoods called Walton (wall-town), the area surrounding the castle itself is called Castle Hill (the old keep and bailey were built on a large motte and the whole was surrounded by a wet moat), to the southeast of Castle Hill is the Market Quarter, to the southwest of Castle Hill is the Bridge Gate district (the gate leads to the fortress at the south end of the great bridge).


All other assets aside, the bridge over the river is the single greatest asset in the duchy.  With toll revenues exceeding 100,000 guilders annually, it is a staggeringly huge income generator.  That is the reason for the duchy's obsessive focus on defense.

Guilds and Factions

The city is very supportive of the Duke, and of King Mak II.  There are representatives of other political factions within the city (Hekmo, the High King, Wessridge and Len Doa all have offices and embassies in the city), but the amount of trade and business that is accomplished here is simply too profitable to risk with petty antics.


Prior to the formation of the duchy, Lorancourt was a briar seat for the King at Southridge.  When Lomain was made Duke, he chose Lorancourt for his seat and over the last 15 years has spent millions of guilders to turn the sleepy little river town into an economic powerhouse.

Points of interest

The Bridge of Lorancourt is the primary point of interest.  A stone and wood drawbridge spanning more than 100' and more than 30' wide takes one across the deepest (and narrowest) point in the river, then a stone-arch bridge carries one across the rest of the river to the City of Lorancourt itself.   Another point of interest is the Castle of Lorancourt.  Actually three castles in one:  the oldest portion is the original motte and keep of the first castle built here more than 200 years ago  The curtain wall surrounding the motte defines the current "inner bailey" which is joined to the more modern "outer bailey" by a single newly-built gatehouse.  This outer bailey is built around the new ducal "palace": a square-built five-story stone keep, 40' by 80' at the base and standing a full 65' high, this towering edifice is only a few dozen feet shorter than the older tower keep of the inner bailey which is built on a motte.  Through a double gatehouse one comes into the next bailey (called the "new bailey") which covers more than three times the square yards of ground that the rest of the castle does.  Ten new towers connected by strong curtain walls and a huge gatehouse surround the new bailey, and outside the walls is the old moat, since re-dug, lined with cut stone and filled with river water daily by a small windmill and chain pump.
    View of the City Gates looking south.
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