Grand Temple, Len Doa

The Grand Temple is the largest and holiest temple to the Pantheon of Heaven in the City of Len Doa. It is located in the heart of the Castle District of Len Doa, just a few hundred yards from the Duke's Palace, Len Doa.


The Grand Temple contains a giant statue of a seated Ayunis carved from a single piece of white marble, holding a scepter of solid gold and a sword of solid silver.  Around the perimeter of the main nave are shrines and statues to 20 other gods and goddess of the Pantheon of Heaven.   Below the Temple are crypts and catacombs where past Grand Ecclesiasts are interred alongside nobles, lords and ladies.  Below the crypts are a series of vaults that are intended to contain the vast wealth that is taken as offering to the gods by the faithful.  It is rumored that these vaults are stacked to the ceilings with gold and jewels.  The rumors fall far short of the truth.

Sensory & Appearance

Reliefs and mosaics cover the outside of the Grand Temple, showing gods and goddess, hierophants, ecclesiasts, hermits and monastics.  Braziers burn constantly, and incense always perfumes the air around the Temple and complex.


In actual fact, the amount of gold contained in the Grand Temple's vaults exceeds 8,000 lbs of gold, and 30,000 lbs of silver. It is the accumulated wealth of 125 years of temple tax, tithes and votive offerings of more than 20,000 local adherents and another 10,000 pilgrims every year.


A stunning building, with three huge archways dominating its entrance façade.  Each archway is 57' tall, and the height to the peak of the roof is 165'.  Behind the center archway is a doorway 40' wide and 50' tall with gilded doors of carved oak beams 12" thick.  The doors have reliefs carved into their fronts showing scenes from the creation story of the faith.
Founding Date
108 AF
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization