Grif Oxman

Alderman Grif Oxman

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grif gives the inital impression of a rather frail halfling, but he has a wiry strength that is verey surprising.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grif was born on a farm near Alrickton in the Duchy of Hekmo on the banks of the Caldar River.  When the economy of the duchy finally drove him out of business, he moved his family south to the newly established Briary of Molisloth and established a mule and oxen farm that has brought him and his family significant wealth.   For the last five years, Grif has been the Village's choice for Alderman and he has filled the roll admirably.  He is diligent, attentive and thorough in his duties.


Entirely self taught, and has a lifetime of farming and ranching experience behind him to help him lead his small farming community.

Personality Characteristics


In the years since Grif has lived and worked in the village, he has seen the benefit and improvement the efforts of Briar Lewin Woodward and the Lord Steward Gerard Frigani have made there first hand.  Material and resource wealth flows into the Briary with the start of each adventuring season and the dangers of attacks by magical or ferocious beasts goes down as well.  He is commited to seeing the process through to completion and knowing he had a hand in pacifying a wild and rugged wilderness.



Grif has been Alderman for five years now.

Contacts & Relations

Grif has a very close relationship with the Briar of Molisloth, Lewin Woodward.  Grif has a very poor opinion of his former Duke, Turl am Nari and all whom associate with him.  He is very prone to voice this negative opinion often, and loudly.

Wealth & Financial state

Grif has made a significant fortune with his oxen and mules, selling the beasts across the region as farm and pack animals.  All are healthy, strong and well-trained and all fetch him a good honest price.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Ruled Locations