Village of Serenity

The Village of Serenity is located just four miles to the northeast of the Town of Molisloth in the Royal Domains of Lesser Imesse of Lesser Imesse. It is a quiet little settlement of some 400 souls, mostly farmers and ranchers. It is a part of the Briary of Molisloth and is an important component of Briar Lewin Woodward's grand plan to provide a source of supply and support for the pacification and settlement of the wild and dangerous region of Teboba.   Serenity is well known for its horse, mule and pony productions that churns out well tempered and well trained riding and pack animals on a regular basis. Oxen and poultry are also produced in abundance. Of special note is a type of hearty grain called broomcorn that produces a dense, dark bread that lasts for months without spoilage and can sustain a traveler for a full day with one small loaf. This way bread is much in demand from the many adventurers and explorers that set off from the Briary for the wilds of Teboba.


Serenity has a majority of Humans living and working in and around the village. 244 Humans, 80 Halflings, 55 Dwarves, 34 Gnomes and one Elf.


The village has an elected Alderman named Grif Oxman, a Halfling cattle rancher of significant wealth and influence.

Industry & Trade

Horse, pony and ox ranching are the largest operations, followed by fruit orchards and grain farms.  There are two small mills that produce a particular grain flour that is used to produce some of the best way bread in the region, able to last unspoiled for months and capable of sustaining an adventurer for a full day on one small loaf.

Points of interest

Recently, the Village has experienced a mysterious series of livestock loss.  Goats, pigs and quite a few donkeys have gone missing without a trace over the last several months.  Some predation of livestock is always to be expected this close to the wilderness, but the loss of the donkeys and mules has added an extra financial burden on many of the farmers in the village.  Some farmers and ranchers have determined it is a large pack of wolves, but many doubt this, as even a large pack of wolves would be hard pressed to remove the carcass of an entire donkey without leaving some evidence behind.
A mule farm in the Village of Serenity.
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