Hanley am Toricki

Lord Hanley am Toricki

Hanley am Toricki was the eldest son of Emory am Toricki, the Baron of Beldoah.  He was the heir to the title of Baron but died fighting at the Battle of Nyallshold alongside his father in 213 AF.  He was survived by his son, Hal am Toricki who inherited the Barony after his father and grandfather's death at the age of 19.   Hanley's mother was Holwin Bolder, the oldest daughter of Willum Bolder, a direct heir to the Royal House of Bolder and the throne of the Kingdom of Cobal.  This brings the royal blood of Cobal into the veins of the Toricki family.  Holwin died tragically from complications that arose during the birth of Hanley and as a result, he never knew his natural mother.
42 at his death
171 AF 213 AF 42 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in battle
Place of Death
Current Residence
Body never recovered
Aligned Organization