Holy Mother of the Daughters of Heaven

The Holy Mother of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven is the title of the priestess that is the leader of a religious order of consecrated women practicing and promulgating the Pantheon of Heaven faith.  The Order is made up entirely of women faithful acting as teachers, healers, oracles and augurs for the common followers of the faith and the hierarchy of the Pantheon of Heaven in general.   The rank of Holy Mother is the equivalent of an Ecclesiast in the temple-based organization of the faith, and her authority is traditionally limited to issues and practices within the Order itself.


To lead and guide the Order in all its operations under the faith of the Pantheon of Heaven.
The current Holy Mother, Her Holiness Gracelyn Allard.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Her Holiness, Mother (name)
Equates to
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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