Maklir am Maxalli

His Grace, Grand Baron Maklir am Maxalli

Maklir am Maxalli was the oldest son of Maklar am Maxalli and the second Grand Baron of Wessridge.  He ruled as Grand Baron for 34 long and very prosperous years and is remembered as a great and just ruler of Wessridge.   Born in 132 AF to Maklar and his wife, Wilmina Bimmin of Scaram, Maklir was an amazingly bright and intelligent boy.  Never very athletic or physically active, Maklir had a real ability in planning and coordinating projects related to the rebuilding of Wessridge after the The Second Great Orc War.  He proved to be so gifted that his skills became invaluable to his father in the last ten years of his rule as Grand Baron.  His genius in logistics, supply and coordinating multiple projects and efforts simultaneously proved an incredible asset all throughout his life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Only 14-years-old when the Orc invasion began, Maklir was too young to take part in any of the actual fighting.  What he was able to do was manage his father's estates and household while his father was fighting the war to such a masterful degree that he was able to raise or realocate as much as 6,000 guilders per month to assist in the overall war effort.  Once the war was won and Maklar was named the first Grand Baron of Wessridge, Maklir worked tirelessly at his father's side to help manage, staff and supply the rebuilding effort for the Barony for the next 18 years and into his own reeign as Grand Baron on his father's death.

Failures & Embarrassments

Perhaps the only black spot on Maklir's legacy is the fact that he married a commoner of questionable background and heritage.  In 149 AF, at the very young age of 17 years, Maklir met and married a dark-haired beauty from the far north that was part of a lumber and charcoal supply caravan named Maryn Scully.  Maryn was four years older than Maklir and of a very questionable family background.  Only the devestation and confusion surrounding the years that followed the war kept his father, Maklar, from ending the union and marrying the boy to someone of nobler stock.



Grand Baron for 34 years

Family Ties

Married to a commoner from the northern reaches of the Kingdom, Maklir fathered four boys and 5 girls over the course of his 50 year marriage.  These children went on to marry into many of the leading noble houses of the Kingdom and cemented ties and alliances that last to this day.
70 at his death
132 AF 202 AF 70 years old
Current Residence
Buried at Redstone Keep
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations