Molisloth Castle

Molisloth Castle is the residence and seat of authority for the Briar of Molisloth, Lewin Woodward.  It is a newly completed structure made of fine white sandstone and is built on a high bluff overlooking the town and valley of Molisloth.

Purpose / Function

The Briary seat and residence of Lewin Woodward, Briar of Molisloth.


Built of local white sandstone and roofed in fine slate, it is a vibrant landmark that can be seen for many miles in nearly all directions.  Sitting atop a high bluff at a naroow bend in the river, it has a commanding presence over the town and river traffic moving up and down stream.


High, strong walls, stout towers and an impressive double gatehouse.  The approach road wraps along the bluff from the river and climbs quickly to the double gatehouse, offering protection from attack as anyone moving up the hill is under direct fire from the walls above.  The Castle Watch is 120 men strong, and is easily reinforced by the men from the Town Watch.
A view of the Castle at Molisloth as seen from the riverside.
Founding Date
219 AF
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization