Town of Molisloth

Molisloth is a town near the Molis River in Kingdom of Lesser Imesse. It is the seat of the Briary of Molisloth and a main source of supply for forays and explorations into the region of Teboba.   King Mak II is committed to seeing the region of Teboba pacified, settled and its resources harvested and utilized for the good of the Realm. He has made Molisloth a focal point in this effort, and has placed much authority, resources and assistance in the hands of the leaders of the Town of Molisloth and its Briar.


3,300 Humans, 900 Halflings, 200 Dwarves and Gnomes.  There is also a large number of transient adventurers to be found operating out of the Town.  During the height of the spring and early summer, as many as 1,000 additional souls can be found living and working in Molisloth.


The Town is administered by an Alderman, and ruled by the Briar, Lewin Woodward.  There is also a Captain of the Town Watch who is responsible for the keeping of the King's Peace and the security of the town.


Town walls are 20' high and 12' thick with 30' towers and two large gatehouses. A dry moat is nearly complete around the outside of the walls.  The Castle is newly completed and commands a high bluff overlooking the entire valley.

Industry & Trade

Timber, stone quarries and pig farms are the most common industries around the town, while a large and busy trade in adventuring supplies is conducted within the walls. Armorers, weapons smiths, saddlers, and several excellent bowers are all practicing in Molisloth.  Hundreds of adventurers begin their quests for fame and riches in the town, and it boasts a busy riverfront as well as two very active and profitable markets.


Wide streets, 8 wells and four fountains within the town walls, and the town is connected to the Molis River by a newly dug canal.

Guilds and Factions

There is a community of nearly 200 Dwarves in Molisloth and nearly all of them are of the Clan Ironhand. They have a tradition of supreme smithing skills, and produce some of the finest sword steel in all of Imesse.   One unfortunate inclussion in the make up of the Town is a crew of Lovelies that have recently established themselves just outside the town walls. They operate from the cellar of a  small stable owned by Toby Bukkit  who is deeply in debt to the gang. They use the stables as a front primarily because it provides them with easy access to news of successful adventurers whom they can then ambush and rob... or worse.


The Town of Molisloth is only a few generations old, and many of the newest strucutres are still made of wood rather than stone.  The Castle is newly completed, however, and is a prominent and very visible landmark anywhere in the Town.


Located on the banks of the Molis River, the town is a busy trade and travel center.  The Castle is built on a high bluff overlooking the river valley to the southeast and to the hills of Teboba beyond.

Natural Resources

Fertile soils, abundant woods teaming with game and fowl, and several fine stone quarries producing a fine dark sandstone.
A view of the South Gate at Molisloth.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location