Terry Longhand

Lady Mayor Terry Longhand- Fielder

Terry Longhand is the Lady Mayor  of the Town of Thorn . She is the widow of the previous mayor, Waldo Longhand, and was universally chosen to fill his position. She is much loved in the community and can name nearly every single person she meets on the street.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent health and very active.

Body Features

4' with a light step and a quick pace.

Facial Features

Light brown eyes, long dark hair.  A few worry lines on her face, but gives a bright smile as often as she can.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Terry is the widow of Waldo Longhand, who was the previous mayor of the town.  He died 10 years ago as a result of wounds he received while fighting the Hekmo invasion.  He was so well loved by the town, they nominated Terry to take his position and the Warden immediately approved.


Contacts & Relations

Terry is on a first-name basis with the entire town, and runs the town like it is her own business.

Family Ties

Her mother and father were not happy with her marriage to Waldo, and have grown quite distant in the years since.  The Fielders are a wealthy family that could make her job as mayor more difficult should they choose to.

Social Aptitude

She is very popular in the town and knows nearly everyone on a first name basis.
Current Residence
Druidic faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations