Regent's Keep

The residence and office of the Mayor of Thorn is the Regent's Keep. It is located in the center of the walled town and is a very busy place, most days.   The Regent's Keep is a tower house 60’ by 60’, roughly square and 55’ tall. It is surrounded by 25’ walls and six 30’ towers (20’ square) and a 40’ gatehouse with a double gate. The gatehouse is (almost) never closed, as the Mayor does come and go quite frequently at all hours on town’s business.

Purpose / Function

The Keep is a 60' by 60' square tower standing 55' high with high walls and towers surrounding it.  It was the first stone structure built in the town and has remained the primary residence of the mayor.


The Keep is protected by a double gatehouse, 40' wide (20' gate openings) and 30' tall.  The tower itself has a double oak door for an entrance that is 6" thick and can be barred from three different angles.

Sensory & Appearance

The whitewash makes the building appear quite big and bright, almost cheerful.  Inside it is lit with oil lanterns (as there are no windows in the first two floors) that light up walls coated with more whitewash and lime plaster.


Within the lower reaches of the tower are two sizable vaults, accessible only by a series of trap doors where the town's cash reserves are stored and guarded.


Whitewashed walls and a few ornamental nut and fruit trees are the only decorations for this utilitarian and fully functional fortress.


Defended by a Cos of Dragoons and a Cos of Yeoman Archers, this small fortress is formidable.
Gatehouse of the Regent's Keep
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization