

Thanasimys was a particularly large Black Dragon that had taken up residence within the western regions of Teboba. The name Thanasimys (which is Gnomish for deadly or lethal) is one that the beast used itself, and there is no evidence that anyone else used the term in reference to it before his arival in Teboba. Because Thanasimys was especially fond of lying to make himself more awe-inspiring, the little that we do know about him mostly came from his own mouth and, thus, cannot be trusted fully (or at all).   First establishing his lair around 210 AF near the western end of the Great Valley just north of the Old Lothia Forest, Thanasimys made several references to having come from the west. Because he spoke of a lack of range and far too many "halfmen" (presumed to mean Halflings) for his taste, it has been surmized that he was born in the central highlands of Cobal, or perhaps as far as the Manitar Mountains just west of the Manito River. What is known is that he was already quite large when he was first seen in Teboba. Initial descriptions of the beast put him at 75' long with a wingspan of 80'. Most experts believe that made him at least 100 years old, perhaps much older.   The dragon spent the first two years of his time in Teboba keeping mostly to the wilds of the region and had little impact on the more civilized areas surrounding it. However, in February of 212 AF, he made his first foray into Lothrick with much effect. 17 souls died in that first attack, along with 9 draft horses and several farms destroyed. The attacks continued almost monthly for the next three years, ranging as far afield as Molisloth, Rickford and Soton. These attacks became more and more concerning because of the proximity to the capital of Lesser Imesse, the City of Southridge. Then, in the spring of 215 AF near the present day Town of Molrick Thanasimys wiped out an entire village of Halflings which consisted of more than 30 people and hundreds of animals. By year's end, the cost in lives of the dragon's attacks had reached more than 250.   By 216 AF, the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse was desperate to rid the region of Thanasimys.  Rewards and bounties were offered to anyone that could kill or even drive off the beast.  Dozens tried, and all failed, until one group of adventurers led by a young nobleman from Southridge named Lomain am Lomanni, recently named Baron of Loman Dur for his efforts during the The Second Cobal-Imesse War, met and killed the dragon at his lair in the Hills of Loth.  Amongst the victorious group were such names as Crole Blackbeard, Magnus Hengusson and Ambrose the Monk (who died of his wounds later that year).

Wealth & Financial state

Like all dragons, Thanasimys gathered and protected a hoard of treasure. This hoard consisted of 480 lbs of precious metals in various forms, 66 lbs of precious gems and 117 very rare and very valuable magical items, not all of which have been fully disclosed. Chief among the magical items that have been made known was an incredibly rare and amazingly valuable Seeing Stone.  This precious and rare magical crystal was gifted by Lomain himself to the Order of the Votaries of Knowledge, an endowment that has garnered him much good will amongst the Order's membership.  The hoard also contained dozens of containers of magical components, potions and powders. Those closest to Lomain have guessed that the hoard brought with it a value of more than 6,000 guilders ($2,400,000).
A fanciful painting of Thanasimys facing his doom
Year of Death
217 AF
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Lomain the Black
Place of Death
Teboba, near the Hills of Loth