Tom Byrne (bern)

His Honor, Mayor Tom Byrne (a.k.a. Dandy Tom)

Tom Byrne is the Mayor of the Town of Belmar in the Ward of Rolar, Government.  He is a veteran of the Hekmo invasion, and carries many scars from his efforts defending the Kingdom.   Tom is 44-years-old, a strong and very active Human that is totally focused on the defense and protection of his town.  He is an exceptional swordsman, tactician and strategist.  He is outspoken in his beliefs that the defense of the town is the primary responsibility of every single subject of the realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, healthy, very fit and active.

Body Features

Average height with broad muscular shoulders.

Facial Features

Thin brown hair worn long and just starting to gray. He has a series of deep, dark scars running from his brows down to his mouth from a troll's flail and his entire face is covered with gray, shiny burn scars. He is not an attractive man, by any means.  These scars and the pallid color of his face have lent him the nickname "Dandy Tom"... not typically used within his earshot.  Tom was first called "Dandy" as he was being treated for his wounds, and he carried it all through his career.

Identifying Characteristics

Tom's scars are his most obvious feature.

Special abilities

Exceptional swordsman, and a great rider.  Also well versed in tactics and strategy, and is constantly studying the art of warfare and fortifications.

Specialized Equipment

Tom had a staff of office made for himself when he became Mayor of Belmar.  It is an iron rod, shaped like the lance he fought with all those years ago.  He is rarely seen without it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tom Byrne was born in the Town of Belmar.  His parents owned a warehouse and freight business on the southside wharfs, and Tom worked there with them as a youth.  At 18, he listed with the Dragoons and at 21, with his parents help, he bought a commission as a Corporal.   Later that summer, a massive orc invasion swept over the central highlands of the country and nearly every corner of Cobal was impacted.  In September of 211 AF, a advance band of roughly 600 orcs made it's way into the Ward of Rolar.  Belmar was one of the first towns attacked.  Hundreds died before the orcs could be beaten back, and among them were Tom's parents and his wife-to-be.   Tom was with his Regiment, however, and he fared little better.  His Company was overrun by orcs and trolls, and his mount was shot out from under him early in the battle.  Tom was forced to fight on foot, with only his lance to defend himself with as his sabre was lost with his horse.  He fought hard and well, but after an hour, he was knocked down by a blow from a troll's flail that laid open his face from his forehead to his mouth.  To make matters worse, as he fell unconscious from the blow, he fell face first into a puddle of burning lamp oil.  The scars to his face are horrific, but he did live to fight another day.



Tom has been Mayor for 8 years

Contacts & Relations

Tom has many close ties within the Ward's leadership and with the established military units in and around the Ward.

Family Ties

Tom has no family, and never married.  He has dedicated himself to the Ward and the Town, and that is his family now.

Wealth & Financial state

Tom lives a very modest lifestyle.  To this day, he eats, lives and dresses like he is still in the Dragoons.  He has a stipend as Mayor, and has invested what remained of his family's fortune wisely, but he is not living the life of a great public figure.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Honor
Date of Birth
April 27
Current Residence
Pale blue
Reddish brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered and scarred
170 lbs
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations