Tom Cotton

Tom Cotton (a.k.a. Sergeant)

Tom Cotton, a 45-year-old Human who owns and operates the Red Dragon Inn in the City of Cyell.  He built the business up after a fire destroyed the previous building on the site. Over the last 15 years, he has hammered out a loyal following of local trade, as well as frequent repeat out-of-town business. The common room of The Dragon is often full of people from all walks of life and from regions near and far.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tom is healthy, lean and generally fit.  He has the occasional ache or twinge from hard use during the war, but he doesn't let that slow him down.

Body Features

Tom is tall at 6 foot, but only weighs in at 150 lbs.

Facial Features

Tom has wavy brown hair that he rarely combs framing a pleasant smiling face.  He has blue eyes and his frequently unshaved stubble is rapidly going grey.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tom served as a Sergeant in the Barony forces that invaded Cobal 18 years ago.  During the retreat, near the city of Ronmar, Tom was assigned to a guard patrol protecting the Duke of Hekmo.  The Duke was speaking with Baron Fulton as they rode along a streambed when it was attacked by a full Company of Rangers from the nearby woodline.  The Baron's horse was shot from under him, and in the resulting fall, the Baron injured his knee.  While the rest of the Duke's men fled, Tom managed to get the Baron onto his own horse and lead the wounded Baron to safety.  Both the Baron and the Duke praised Tom's bravery and courage, and the Baron has tried his best to treat Tom with a special respect ever since.    When the fighting was over, he mustered out and took work at the Old House Inn, which was located where the Red Dragon is now. When that inn burned down in a fire, the previous owner sold the property to Tom for a fraction of its actual worth and Tom built the Red Dragon as it stands today.


Tom works every day at the Dragon.  He employs 7 people to cook, clean and maintain the inn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tom gained genuine respect from some of the most notable men in the Kingdom during his term of service with the Baron's forces.  He is modest about what happened, but it is widely rumored that he single-handedly saved both the Baron and the Duke of Hekmo from an ambush attack by a Company of Cobal Rangers.

Mental Trauma

Tom does not like the Baron Fulton.  When the Ranger attack happened 18 years ago, Tom was witness to the Duke abandoning his friend and colleague while Tom remained to save the fallen Baron.  Both the Baron and the Duke secretly made it very clear that the truth of the situation was NEVER to be spoken of, and as a reward for his silence, Tom would get all the credit for saving the two nobles.  Tom lost dozens of close, personal friends in that conflict, and the cowardice and duplicity of Hekmo (and the Baron's acceptance of it) soured his view of both men forever.


Contacts & Relations

Tom has a standing "friendship" with Baron Fulton, in as much as the Baron stops at the Dragon whenever he can for food and drinks.  Fulton seems truly fond of Tom, and will spend hours rehashing old memories with the innkeeper.  Tom also still has many friends and companions in the veteran communities associated with the City Guard and the Baron's Castle Watch.

Family Ties

Tom is still unmarried, and due to his success as an innkeeper he is often the object of attention for single women.  He is dedicated to his inn, however, and romance and family are not his priorities right now.
Date of Birth
July 28
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations