Village of Braedon

Braedon is a small village in the Shire of Greenbrae.  It has 425 souls within its stone walls, and is a busy hive of fur trappers, hunters and foragers.  It is a supply hub for six other camps located in the surrounding Greenbrae Forest, all within two miles of the village.


Mostly Halflings, with a few dozen Humans and 16 Dwarves.


The Sherriff of Greenbrae is the final authority in the village, but local administration is usually left to the village Alderman, Bertram Hewes.


The village is surrounded by a 12' high and 6' thick stone wall which is topped by an exterior-facing wooden stockade that allows the entire length of the wall to be walked without exposing the walker to missiles fired from outside the fence.  The village is patrolled and protected by a short Company of Rangers who man the walls and the two gates, as well as the Tower which is the center of the village.

Industry & Trade

Braedon is a local center for the harvesting of fur-bearing animals, game meats and birds and the collecting and processing of tons of nuts, fruits and mushrooms found throughout the forest.


Stone and wood buildings, many multi-story.  Cobbled streets, grassy lanes, and many tree-lined paths lie within the walls of the village.

Points of interest

Braedon is a natural jumping-off point for journeys deeper into the wilderness of Greenbrae Forest.  Paths, where they exist, fade away entirely within just a few miles of the village.  The further from the settled areas of the shire one gets, the greater the danger from encounters with wild beast becomes.  There are areas of the forest that are known to contain owl bears, short-faced bears, smilodons, and dire wolves.  There are rumors of wyverns, manticores and trolls, as well.
The Village of Braedon, with a view of the Tower House.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization