Shire of Greenbrae (green-bray)

The Shire of Greenbrae is the northern-most division of the Ward, and its Sheriff is Dolan Hillman. Hillman is a Halfling with a focus on forestry and timber production. The shire has a small population, but they are productive and prosperous, and manage dozens of miles of hardwood forest that produce thousands of feet of lumber, tons of fruit and nuts, and more than 10 tons of game meat every year. There is a full company of Shire Scouts and two companies of Yeoman Archers stationed around the shire at all times, patrolling and keeping watch over the roads, villages and industries scattered throughout the shire. The Sheriff’s Hold is a stone and wooden blockhouse of two stories and a hedge wall located in the center of the town of Greenbrae.


1 Town (Greenbrae), 5 villages and 23 camps and worksites, all governed by the Sherriff.
Geopolitical, County / March
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities