Dolan Hillman

Sherriff Dolan Hillman

Dolan Hillman is the Sherriff of Greenbrae Shire.  He is a 49-year-old Halfling and he is a hard Halfling to please.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stout but strong, after decades working as a timber-jack.

Facial Features

Pale blue eyes, brown curly hair, and a round face that rarely smiles.

Special abilities

Amazingly skilled with an axe, and is considered a champion axe thrower.

Specialized Equipment

As Sherriff, he has a staff of office.  It is about 30" long, stout and hard, carved at both ends to resemble closed fists.  When working, he always has the staff, and has even had occasion to use it to defend himself once or twice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dillman grew up in the Greenbrae Forest and spent his adult years earning a living as a timberman.  After voicing his frustration at the previous Sherriff's lackadaisical attitude towards security and defense for the Shire, Dillman sold his interest in a successful timber business and got himself nominated as the next Sherriff of Greenbrae Shire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the five years Dillman has been Sherriff, he has completed the walls surrounding both the Town of Greenbrae and all the villages in the Shire.  He has fortified many of the camps and worksites located in the forest, as well.  He has doubled the training regimen for the Scout Company and the two Companies of Regent's Yeoman Archers in the Shire, as well.

Personality Characteristics


Driven to make sure his Shire is safe and secure at all times.  He has no tolerance for fighting or quarreling in public, and he is not forgiving by nature.  Penalties for violating the peace are swift and stiff.

Likes & Dislikes

Like peace and security, dislikes any sort of commotion or confrontation amongst his shire-folk.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honest to a fault, but not very compassionate or forgiving.



He has been Sherriff for 5 years.

Contacts & Relations

He is particularly liked by the Warden, Rory Broadshield. The Warden likes results, and Dolan gets results.

Wealth & Financial state

Moderately wealthy after selling his interest in a large timber operation to take the Sherriff's position.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Honor, Sherriff
Date of Birth
August 7
Current Residence
Sherriff's Hold, Greenbrae
Druidic Faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations