Greenbrae Forest

The Greenbrae Forest is a vast area of rough hills covered in ancient hardwood forest.  The expanse covers more than 800 square miles of forest, much of it completely unexplored.  The forest is located within the Wards of Rolar and Molir, and the few settlements and habitations located within the forest are parts of these Wards.

Localized Phenomena

Roughly 20 miles east of the Shire of Greenbrae there is a particularly large and ancient stone circle located in a natural clearing deep within the forest.  The stones of this circle are massive, the smallest weighing at least 70 tons.  The circle is said to measure 60 yards across its middle.  The truly remarkable feature of this stone circle, however, is not it's age or size.  It is the fact that within its center no living thing can be found.  There is no grass, no moss, no insects and even the soil is dry and utterly lifeless.  No birds can be heard singing near the circle, and animals do not venture near.  No one knows why.
A view of Greenbrae Forest
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species