Will Bolder

Lord Commander Willard Bolder (a.k.a. Will)

Will Bolder is the Lord Commander of Dragoons  for the Ward of Jemptal.  He has ultimate authority over a significant amount of the armed forces of the Kingdom, and direct command of nearly 5,000 Dragoons in four Regiments.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Willard "Will" Bolder is the Lord Commander of Dragoons for the Ward of Jemptal, a post his grandfather held for many years.  He is younger than his grandfather was when he held the post, and is one of the youngest Lord Commanders ever.   He is passionate about his duty, and holds only his wife and children dearer.  He knows he is the heir to the throne of Cobal, but does not place much weight in that fact.  He is perfectly content to fullfill his duties as Lord Commander and let the rest of the realm manage itself as it has for the last century or more.


Being born with the name Bolder gave Will many opportunities in his early years, but it was in education that he excelled.  He was a bright youth, and learned several languages so he could study cartography, logistics, strategy, engineering and mathematics.  He is very well read, and very intelligent.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Will is one of the youngest Lord Commander of Dragoons in the Kingdom's history.  He is passionate and dedicated to his service, and his men truly love their Commander.


Family Ties

Will is the eldest descendant of King Dillard the Golden who died 144 years ago. As such, he is the heir to the Kingdom of Cobal and is the rightful King. He understands this, but doesn't take it very seriously. He is perfectly content leading the Dragoons of the Ward and helping to defend the Kingdom from horseback.   Will is married to the daughter of the previous Lord High Regent, Jenna Bower. They have four children (two boys, two girls) and live in a quiet family estate in the village of Blackpool on the Molir River, raising horses and ponies.

Wealth & Financial state

The Bolder family estate is a very well known producer of chargers and destriers, as well as many fine ponies.  This gives a sizable income to Will and his family, making them quite wealthy.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Commander of Dragoons, Heir to the Crown of Cobal
Date of Birth
March 8
Current Residence
Blackpool, Ward of Jemptal
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Will speaks Caldarian, Arian, Fangorian and is passably good in Gnomish.