Willow Bolder

Lady Willow Bolder

Willow Bolder is the youngest sister of Will Bolder, the Lord Commander of Dragoons and heir to the Royal House of Bolder and the Throne of the Kingdom of Cobal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Willow was born just weeks before her father, Bollman Bolder, took up arms and went to fight in the Cobal-Imesse War of 215 AF where he was killed along with her grandfather. She was almost entirely raised by her oldest brother, Will at the family estate in Blackpool.   It has been more than 100 years since the Bolders have ruled Cobal as kings, but a renewed focus on the legitimate claim of her brother to that throne has made her a very tempting target for many noble and even royal suitors. Willow seems as disinterested as possible, but personal hopes and ambitions are often ignored in light of significant international relations.
Ward of Jemptal
Current Residence
Blackpool, Ward of Jemptal
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations