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Committee of the Provinces

The Committee of the Provinces is a critical body within the government of the Namorian Republic, responsible for the selection and oversight of provincial governors. Comprised of "Voicebearers" or Councillors from the Chamber of Voices and sponsored by an Octarch, it is an essential mechanism for maintaining order and efficiency in the provinces of the Republic.


The Committee of the Provinces is made up primarily of Voicebearers who have been elected from the provinces with representative systems in place. However, it also includes members from the city of Namor and the hinterlands. The sponsorship of an Octarch, a member of the Octarchy, provides high-level support and authority to the committee's functions and decisions. The Committee is supported by an extensive and efficient bureaucracy typical of Namorian institutions, which provides the necessary administrative services for its functions. These services facilitate the complex task of selecting and monitoring provincial governors, ensuring they carry out their duties effectively and adhere to the standards and values of the Republic.

Public Agenda

The principal role of the Committee of the Provinces is to select and oversee the governors of the provinces of the Namorian Republic. These governors maintain a high degree of independence in their roles, with the primary expectations being the maintenance of productivity and the avoidance of rebellions within their territories. The Committee's oversight is typically hands-off, intervening only in cases of significant disturbances or issues within the provinces. This balance of responsibility and independence serves to ensure the smooth functioning of the provincial territories, while also allowing for necessary corrective actions when required.   The Committee also plays a significant role in shaping and implementing policy related to provincial administration and governance, further solidifying its position as a critical body within the Namorian Republic's government structure.


The establishment of the Committee of the Provinces can be traced back to the founding of the Namorian Republic when it was recognized that an overseeing body was necessary to manage the diverse and expansive territories under the Republic's control.   The Committee, from its inception in 4 RE, has been composed of Voicebearers, reflecting the Republic's commitment to representation and the voices of its citizens. With time, as the representative systems in the provinces were developed and matured, the Committee's composition evolved to include elected Voicebearers from these regions, fostering a stronger connection between the provinces and the central government.   Sponsorship by an Octarch was introduced as a means to reinforce the authority of the Committee and to ensure a direct line of communication with the Octarchy, further strengthening the connection between provincial and central governance.   Over the years, the Committee of the Provinces has played a critical role in maintaining stability and order across the Namorian Republic, managing the selection and oversight of governors, and dealing with the inevitable challenges and conflicts that arise in such a diverse and expansive nation. Its influence and importance have grown alongside the Republic, making it an integral part of the Namorian government and its continuing evolution.

Guide from the Core, Return with Might


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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