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Dagmit Administrative Authority

The Dagmit Administrative Authority is the governing body responsible for the administration of the Dagmit province within the Namorian Republic. Headed by the Governor of Dagmit, this organization's mandate covers a broad range of administrative, security, and social tasks necessary for the smooth running of the province.   The Governor of Dagmit, appointed by the Committee of the Provinces, presides over the administrative machinery of the province. They are responsible for managing the region's resources, overseeing law enforcement, ensuring the provision of public services, and maintaining peaceful relations among the province's diverse inhabitants. The Governor's Office is located in the provincial capital, Fendil, which serves as the administrative centre of Dagmit.   Despite its substantial geographical size, Dagmit has only four Voicebearers representing it in the Chamber of Voices in the capital city of Namor. This is a result of the region's challenging terrain and the circumstances of its integration into the Republic. During the incorporation of the province, all permanent residents were offered a one-time chance to become citizens of the Republic. However, due to the province's vast and inhospitable terrain, many residents could not be accurately counted in the census or travel to register their application, resulting in a low uptake of the offer. It is suspected that this difficulty was intentionally used to curtail an influx of new citizens from Dagmit.   Voting, too, is a logistical challenge for many Dagmit residents, as it requires travel to Fendil, often across difficult terrain. Consequently, a large proportion of the Dagmit population remains unrepresented in the republic's decision-making processes.   Recognizing the need for greater inclusivity and understanding of Dagmit's unique circumstances, both the Namorian Navy and Army have established training grounds in the province. These initiatives provide disenfranchised residents with opportunities to serve the Republic and gain citizenship. This has fostered stronger ties between Dagmit and the rest of the Namorian Republic, helping to gradually integrate this once-peripheral region into the Republic's socio-political fabric.

Through hardships to the stars

Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Articles under Dagmit Administrative Authority

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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