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The entity currently referring to itself as Bertrand is, in fact, a Flumph from the Far Realm. It followed a group of Foulspawn through a rift to Tol out of curiosity, then found itself trapped when Orcs from Sharbaduk slew the foulspawn and closed the rift. Although Bertrand attempted to make peaceful contact with the orcs, the combination of their hostility (which Bertrand found repugnant) and its alien appearance resulted in a less than peaceful encounter. The orcs forced Bertrand into a dungeon cell, locked it, and began plastering over the door.   Luckily for Bertrand, he later sensed the arrival of the Fire Wasps, and the Shaper’s powerful Psionic mind. Bertrand made contact with them, choosing the name Bertrand from their memories as one that would be singularly non-threatening. The Fire Wasps were able to free Bertrand and found his thought reading abilities useful a number of times. He is currently residing in Estwald, supporting Lord Steward Harbryn Thonwyr with his powers.


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