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Califax Padwyn

Califax Padwyn was a nobleman of House Padwyn. He was the young and popular Duke of Ostralm during the reign of King Osmund Valmar. Califax was uncomfortable with the taxation Osmund was visiting upon the Summerlings, and he often spoke against the King’s policies, making him very unpopular at court, but very popular with the common folk.
  In 742 SKR, Califax was commanded to be present in Estwald. There, he was witness to the unveiling of a golden statue of Osmund in one of the capital’s town squares. The sight of it filled him with a cold and righteous anger; people had starved to raise their taxes, and others had been jailed for not paying them. He returned to Ostralm and consolidated his power with other nobles, including Landyn Kassryx, the aging Duke of Sudrast, who now regretted handing power to House Valmar .
  In 743 SKR, Califax led a rebellion against Osmund. He dragged the king from Castle Caladorn, tried him in front of a group of nobles, and then hung him from his own statue. He then ordered the statue melted down and the monies used to aid the poor and various charities and freed all those enslaved for being unable to pay taxes. He was then unanimously elected king by the other nobles, becoming the first Padwyn king of Summerlund. He was known for a just and fair rule until his passing in 778 SKR. He had no sons, but his daughter Cassandra Padwyn , became one of the few queens of Summerlund after him.


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