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Kalladar Ironwise

Kalladar Ironwise is a Dwarf who rules as Ar-Thane of Kurdenheim. He is the Thane of the Ironwise clan and father to twins Borodin and Gallada Ironwise. His rule over Kurdenheim from the crystal throne of Balgondelve has been a peaceful one, and Kalladar has seen to it that the kingdom of the dwarves has not been drawn into many conflicts that do not directly concern them. He declined a formal request from King Hadyn Thonwyr to send troops to the War of the Three Heads, as well as Prince Harbryn Thonwyr’s attempts to recapture Sudwaine from the Orcish Hordes.
  Many dwarves, including his own daughter, Gallada, do not agree with Kalladar’s isolationist attitude. He puts them aside gently, telling them that the Seven Kingdoms are gone, and that they were a failure. It remains to be seen if anything will change his mind.


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