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Kinnaria ap Mavarondys

Dame Kinnaria ap Mavarondys is the chief Gryphon Rider of Tavanion. She served Esavola Maraliana ap Kadishai for many centuries, and she was glad to train her liege’s son, Prince Belerion in the art of riding.
  After the Tarrasque destroyed much of Gwyllan's Watch, the Esavola called for a retreat into the [Feywild], stating that Tavanion would no longer be a part of Tol. Prince Belerion refused his mother’s orders, stating that he would not abandon the world he was born to, and swearing that he would aid anyone who would stand against the Worldbreaker. Dame Kinnaria formally resigned her commission and allegiance to Maraliana, then reswore fealty to Prince Belerion, promising to follow him and aid him and his allies. Her loyalty, as well as her battle and tactical knowledge, earned her a spot at the Prince’s side during the Fourth Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms.
  She fought alongside Prince Belerion and Commander Dalatarion Firesigil at the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, where he was slain. Devastated, she helped escort the Prince's body home. At the funeral, she was honored by being allowed to place Palangurth in the Prince's hands before his boat was sent to the Sea of Sunken Fires.


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