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The Tarrasque, often called the Worldbreaker, is a living weapons that people believed the Primordials fashioned to aid them in the Dawn War . The Tarrasque (for there is only one), is an engine of destruction, made for nothing but slaughter and ruthless mayhem. After the Dawn War, the Gods subdued the Tarrasque, for they could not devise a way to slay it. They bound it in a deathless slumber, and they hid its whereabouts. It has awoken several times since then, the last time being about 1,000 years past, shortly after the last great attack by the Far Realm, but it was sent back to sleep by the Adventurers known as the Argent Circle.
  Many rumors abounded of where the Tarrasque might lie. Some believed that it was buried deep beneath the Sea of Sunken Fires, while others maintained it lay frozen in the icy realms of Dojhan or bound in the ancient jungles of Velnar. Some even believed it to be deep within the very core of Tol and therefore bound to the world’s existence. None but the gods themselves would say, remaining silent on the matter. It may be that even they fear what might come were the Tarrasque released.
  Evidence unearthed by the Fire Wasps in ruins of the Weavers under the town of Shellcliff in 1080 SKR revealed that the Tarrasque was actually created by them as a living weapon to destroy the Gods and Primordials alike in punishment for the death of Amoth, the god who created them. They kept the location of this ruin a close secret. Unfortunately, the group called the Five Who Call had been working for years in secret to release the Worldbreaker, and the final ritual was cast at the Temple of Elemental Evil. The Tarrasque emerged from under Gwyllan's Watch and wreaked havoc on that city before beginning to work its way across Aldorath. It left behind a trail of destruction and blight known as the Path of the Destroyer. At the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, the Fire Wasps defeated the Tarrasque, and now it sleeps beneath Worldbreaker's Howe once more.


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