Witchlight Carnival Tradition / Ritual in Tol - Shards of the Shattered Pact | World Anvil
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Witchlight Carnival

Every eight years, the Tavanion city of Kas Amnon increases its size tremendously. That's because once every eight years, on Meht 28, the Witchlight Carnival emerges from the Feywild and encamps in a large empty field near to the city. As the wagons emerge from a hole in the sky, drawn by winged horses, foxes, unicorns, rabbits, and all manner of creatures, leaflets advertising the festival float down to the town. The Carnival sets up in hardly any time at all, and anticipation builds overnight. At dusk the following night, Juth 1, the lights of the Carnival come on, the ticket booth opens, and everyone is welcome.   Management of the Carnival is handled by a pair of Shadar-kai, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light. Prominent at one end of the field is the Big Top. Halfway through the Carnival, the Big Top hosts the Big Top Extravaganza, ringmastered by the flamboyant Mr. Light. At the end of the night, the Big Top hosts the crowning of the Witchlight Monarch.   Other important structures include the Bubblepop Teapot, the Hall of Illusions, the Mystery Mine, Pixie Kingdom, Silversong Lake, the Snail Racing Arena, and the Feasting Orchard. There's a carousel, a calliope, many small stalls, and a chance to ride boats drawn by giant swans around the river moat of the Carnival.   Once the Witchlight Monarch is crowned, shortly before dusk, the Carnival quickly folds up, and, after a day's rest, it flies back into the air and leaves Tol through a hole in the sky. It leaves behind strange and often baffled memories, but also a sense that those who attended have experienced something truly magical and wondrous.
  The Carnival Arrives
  The Big Top Extravaganza
  A souvenir map of the Carnival
  The excitement of snail racing


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