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Sword Coast North

The Sword Coast North is a region on the northwestern coast of Faerûn. While it comprises a rough landscape of rugged hills, precarious mountain ranges, and dense forests, as well as the dangerous Mere of Dead Men and the enchanted Neverwinter Woods, it is also home to several like-minded towns and cities. The most prominent of these cities – Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Luskan – have banded together with nearby allies to form the Lords' Alliance, which unites much of the region. The Trade Way road runs along the length of the coast from Luskan to far south of Waterdeep.


  • The Sword Coast North
    Including Luskan, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep.

  • 1357 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    Dwarves reclaim the ruins of Illefarn.

    The dwarves of Clan Ironeater reclaim the ruined halls of Illefarn.

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  • 1357 DR

    Ches - Claw of Sunsets

    Monsters attack farms north of Waterdeep.
    Disaster / Destruction

    A many-headed snake monster attacks farms north of Asbravn, and no one locally can defeat it. The Red Cloaks of Asbravn send a carrier pigeon to Lord Piergeiron of Waterdeep reporting the attacks, and they seek someone who can slay the monster.

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  • 1357 DR

    Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    Luskan conquers Ruathym
    Military action

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  • 1357 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    A new Beastmaster arrises east of Waterdeep.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Rumours are rampant in the lands east of Waterdeep that a new Beast Lord, a term given to those who breed rare, dangerous monsters such as owlbears and gorgimera, has arisen, as monsters associated with such men are suddenly increasing in number and seem to be working in concert.

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  • 1357 DR

    Marpenoth - Leafall

    Waterdeep begins bolstering its griffon cavalry.
    Military action

    Waterdeep puts a high premium on juvenile griffons and their eggs when Lord Piergeiron begins bolstering the numbers of their Griffon Cavalry.

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  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Truce negotiated between Luskan and Rauthym
    Diplomatic action

    Waterdeep mediates a truce between Luskan and Ruathym. However, Luskan and Ruathym, together with Tuern and the Whalebones, subsequently make an alliance to raid settlements down the Sword Coast.

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  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Kobolds move in near Waterdeep.
    Population Migration / Travel

    A tribe of kobolds takes up residence in the Maiden's Tomb Tor, unnoticed by Waterdeep.

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  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym.
    Political event

    Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down
    1358 DR

    Alturiak - the Claw of Winter

    An exceptionally cold winter
    Population Migration / Travel

    The winter is one of the coldest and snowiest in memory. Frost giants wander as far south as Longsaddle.

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  • 1358 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    Luskan is forced to withdraw from Rauthym.
    Military action

    The Lords' Alliance of Waterdeep applies diplomatic and military pressure on Luskan, forcing them to remove their occupying forces from the island of Ruathym. Meanwhile, Luskan and the allied island nations of the Trackless Sea join in the Captain's Confederation.

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  • 1358 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    New pirates begin raiding the Sword Coast
    Military action

    Zahara's Krakens, a chaotic good mercenary company, made their presence known along the Sword Coast.

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  • 1358 DR

    Alturiak - the Claw of Winter

    Forced south by harsh winter conditions, trolls attack Yartar.
    Military action

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  • 1358 DR

    Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    End of the Ruathym-Luskan wars.
    Military action

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 17:00

    The Time of Troubles begins when Lord AO casts out the gods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Time of Troubles is precipated when the gods Bane and Myrkul try to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity, AO. Fed up with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord AO relegates every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on Toril.

  • 1358 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    The Ebondeath Sect collapses.
    Religious event

    With Myrkul's death, the Ebondeath Sect of the Mere of Dead Men falls apart.

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  • 1361 DR

    Luskan conqueres Rauthym
    Military action

    Luskan conquers Ruathym again, but the Lords' Alliance threatens war and forces a withdrawal.

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  • 1363 DR

    Battle of Daggerford
    Military action

    Devils emerge from portals in Dragonspear Castle and gather an army of ogres, kobolds, orcs, all kinds of goblinoids, and a black dragon. In the Second Dragonspear War, the Hordes of Dragonspear overrun and destroy the village of Way Inn and its namesake, before moving to attack Daggerford. The Hordes are defeated in the Battle of Daggerford by a hastily made alliance of dwarves, elves from the Misty Forest, paladins of Ilmater, mercenaries, local militia, and a troop of the City Guard of Waterdeep.

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