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  • 300 DR

    300 DR

    The first Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Guev'Ressunvee, a young green dragon, is chosen by the goddess Mielikki as her champion, the first Green Regent.

    More reading
    Green Regent
  • 1315 DR

    17 Mirtul - The Melting

    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Nanathlor Greysword is chosen by Mielikki when he refuses to slaughter her avatar, a unicorn, which Pasuuk Rensha had him hunting.

    More reading
    Green Regent
  • 1344 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Kalahar Twohands is chosen as Green Regent.

    More reading
    Green Regent
  • 1356 DR

    29 Flamerule - Summertide

    The lord of Llorkh is murdered.
    Life, Death

    Phintarn "Redblade", lord of Llorkh, is murdered.

    Additional timelines
  • 1356 DR

    30 Flamerule - Summertide

    A new lord of Llorkh is elevated.
    Political event

    Geildarr becomes lord of Llorkh after the murder of Phintarn "Redblade", the previous lord. Dwarves start disappearing in Llorkh.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Vendes Baenre dies.
    Life, Death

    Vendes Baenre, a vicious drow priestess popular in Gracklstugh for her "sculpted" ebony statues transmuted from living beings, is killed by Drizzt Do'Urden when he is rescued from House Baenre's estate.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    The avatar of deity Moander is risen and destroyed in Cormanthor.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In 1357 DR, the mercenary Alias and her party were manipulated by cultists into freeing the Abomination for a time as described in The Finder's Stone trilogy by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb. Alias, her friends, and the dragon Mist destroyed the Abomination after it had wrought terrible destruction in Cormanthor and Westgate.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    An expedition searches for a means east across the Anauroch.
    Discovery, Exploration

    Liantha, a priestess of Tymora in Silverymoon sets out eastward with a band of adventurers looking for passageway across the Anauroch desert to the Eastern Heartlands.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    Dwarves reclaim the ruins of Illefarn.

    The dwarves of Clan Ironeater reclaim the ruined halls of Illefarn.

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  • 1357 DR

    Ches - Claw of Sunsets

    Monsters attack farms north of Waterdeep.
    Disaster / Destruction

    A many-headed snake monster attacks farms north of Asbravn, and no one locally can defeat it. The Red Cloaks of Asbravn send a carrier pigeon to Lord Piergeiron of Waterdeep reporting the attacks, and they seek someone who can slay the monster.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Tarsakh - the Claw of Storms

    Dabron Sashenstar returns to Baldur's Gate.

    Dabron Sashenstar returns to Baldur's Gate after a successful expedition to Sossal.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    Luskan conquers Ruathym
    Military action

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  • 1357 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    A new Beastmaster arrises east of Waterdeep.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Rumours are rampant in the lands east of Waterdeep that a new Beast Lord, a term given to those who breed rare, dangerous monsters such as owlbears and gorgimera, has arisen, as monsters associated with such men are suddenly increasing in number and seem to be working in concert.

  • 1357 DR

    Eleint - The Fading

    The Company of the Cloak is founded.

    The Company of the Cloak forms in Scornubel under the leadership of the minor mage Mhair Gulzrabban.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Eleint - The Fading

    The mercenary lord Lurkan relocates to the Inner Sea.
    Life, Career

    Lurkan the Reaver of the Sword Coast travels to the region around the Inner Sea to lend his services to the growing conflict in the Moonsea region.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Eleint - The Fading

    The merchant Shairkash is banished from Amn.
    Life, Crime

    After being banished from Amn for threatening to kill other merchants with magical creatures he controls or conjures from his home in Murann, Shairkash moves to the town of Beregost. He begins threatening competing traders just as he did in the Merchant's Nation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Marpenoth - Leafall

    Waterdeep begins bolstering its griffon cavalry.
    Military action

    Waterdeep puts a high premium on juvenile griffons and their eggs when Lord Piergeiron begins bolstering the numbers of their Griffon Cavalry.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Truce negotiated between Luskan and Rauthym
    Diplomatic action

    Waterdeep mediates a truce between Luskan and Ruathym. However, Luskan and Ruathym, together with Tuern and the Whalebones, subsequently make an alliance to raid settlements down the Sword Coast.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Mithral Hall defends against House Baenre.
    Military action

    • Lady Alustriel forges an alliance with Bruenor Battlehammer of Mithral Hall and helps defend the dwarf halls against the drow of House Baenre, leading an army drow, goblins, and kobolds of Menzoberranzan in an attack against Mithril Hall. The dwarves are joined by local barbarian tribes, svirfneblin, the forces of Nesmé and Silverymoon, and the Harpells of Longsaddle. Together, they defeat the drow and force them back underground.
    • In the Battle of Keeper's Dale, many good folk are killed when the drow horde attacks Mithral Hall, including Knight in Silver Besnell, the svirfneblin Firble, and the Harpell wizard Regweld Harpell.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Kobolds move in near Waterdeep.
    Population Migration / Travel

    A tribe of kobolds takes up residence in the Maiden's Tomb Tor, unnoticed by Waterdeep.

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  • 1357 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym.
    Political event

    Aumark Lithyl unifies Ruathym.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    An earthquake occurs upriver of Daggerford.
    Geological / environmental event

    An earthquake in the vicinity of the Laughing Hollow releases an unknown pollutant into the River Delimbiyr downriver of the site. Livestock that drink from the river die in large numbers and Daggerford has to rely on its wells and cisterns for drinking water until the source of the pollution is stemmed.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    Drizzt helps defeat some raiders.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Heading to Silverymoon at the invitation of Alustriel, Drizzt Do'Urden comes across the path of a band of orc and ogre raiders and their captives. Joining with a band of farmers from Pengallen, they defeat the band, though not before one of the slaves—a goblin named Nojheim—escapes. Having been told the goblin was a captured war band leader who was to have a trial, Drizzt tracks him down and returns him, whereupon he learns that Nojheim is as temperamentally different a goblin as Drizzt is a drow, and a slave owned by Rico Pengallen. Traveling to Silverymoon to appeal to Alustriel's justice, Drizzt isn't there to stop Nojheim's owner from killing him.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    Blingdenstone promotoes its youngest Burrow Warden.
    Life, Career

    Pumkato, a svirfneblin of Blingdenstone, rises to the position of burrow warden, one of the youngest in the city's history.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    Khelben Arunsun rescues Laeral Silverhand.
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Khelben Arunsun shatters the Crown of Horns, freeing Laeral Silverhand from Myrkul's evil influence. He returns to Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep with her to help her heal; within three years, they are inseparable, and Laeral is often referred to as Lady Arunsun.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    Artemis Entreri attempts to assassinate Drizzt Do'Urden.
    Criminal Activity

    In the guise of the halfling Regis, the assassin Artemis Entreri comes to Mithral Hall. He battles Drizzt Do'Urden, but is defeated and left for dead. However, he is later rescued by Jarlaxle and the Bregan D'aerthe, who take him to Menzoberranzan. Later this year, while Drizzt and Catti-brie escape the city, he joins them.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down
    1358 DR

    Alturiak - the Claw of Winter

    An exceptionally cold winter
    Population Migration / Travel

    The winter is one of the coldest and snowiest in memory. Frost giants wander as far south as Longsaddle.

  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    A seer in Baldur's Gate receives a vision.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Haspur, a seer in Baldur's Gate, has a vision that prophesies the rediscovery of the Ring of Winter in the near future. During his vision, he seemed very upset but could recall nothing when he broke out of his trance.

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  • 1357 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    The Scepter of the Sorcerer-Kings is stolen from the Harpers.
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Khelben ""Blackstaff"" Arunsun steals the Scepter of the Sorcerer-Kings from a Harper vault called the Catacombs of Ordulin. He replaces it with an illusory replica.

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  • 1358 DR

    Xanathar is slain.
    Life, Death

    The beholder crime lord Xanathar is slain by adventurers under the command of the Lords of Waterdeep. Halaster Blackcloak, the Mad Mage of Undermountain, seems to have had a hand in this.

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  • 1358 DR

    The Order of the Silver Chalice is founded in Waterdeep.

    The Order of the Silver Chalice is founded in Waterdeep.

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  • 1358 DR

    The Jaezred Chaulssin discover Nurvureem.
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Jaezred Chaulssin discover the existence of Nurvureem, daughter of their Patron Grandfather's kidnapped mate and thought to be the only female "drow-dragon."

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    New pirates begin raiding the Sword Coast
    Military action

    Zahara's Krakens, a chaotic good mercenary company, made their presence known along the Sword Coast.

  • 1358 DR

    Hammer - Deepwinter

    Luskan is forced to withdraw from Rauthym.
    Military action

    The Lords' Alliance of Waterdeep applies diplomatic and military pressure on Luskan, forcing them to remove their occupying forces from the island of Ruathym. Meanwhile, Luskan and the allied island nations of the Trackless Sea join in the Captain's Confederation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Alturiak - the Claw of Winter

    Forced south by harsh winter conditions, trolls attack Yartar.
    Military action
  • 1358 DR

    Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    End of the Ruathym-Luskan wars.
    Military action

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 17:00

    The Time of Troubles begins when Lord AO casts out the gods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Time of Troubles is precipated when the gods Bane and Myrkul try to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity, AO. Fed up with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord AO relegates every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on Toril.

  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 18:00

    Sseth battles Ubtao
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sseth's avatar makes a brief appearance over the Lapal Sea, and then battles Ubtao's dinosaur avatar on the eastern side of the jungles of Chult. After the battle Sseth entered a deep sleep.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 18:00

    The avatar of Tempus manifests in Battledale
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After being ejected from his celestial plane by AO, Tempus lands in Battledale. The Abbey of the Sword is later built over the location where the god physically manifested on Toril during the Time of Troubles.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 18:00

    Bane falls to Toril in a rain of fire.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Amidst a rain of fire, Bane's spirit falls from the sky and directly onto the Black Altar, his temple in Zhentil Keep, in an event known there as The Arrival.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers 18:00

    Sekolah, Anhur, Umberlee, and others manifest in the Inner Sea
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sekolah, Anhur, and Umberlee, along with lesser gods of water, manifest in the Inner Sea, resulting in disturbances to the underwater region of Serôs.

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  • 1358 DR

    22 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    Gilgeam kills Tiamat.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Time of Troubles, after AO banished the gods from the planes, the Tiamat's avatar of the Dark Lady was transformed back into her three-headed Untheric avatar, which was then promptly slain by Gilgeam's own avatar. Even so, her divine essence was somehow divided into three and came to inhabit Tchazzar, Gestaniius, and Skuthosiin, three powerful chromatic dragons. Tchazzar devoured the other two, combining the three essences and ushering in the reappearance of Tiamat's more powerful five-headed form, which she used to kill Gilgeam (causing great destruction to the city of Unthalass) and therefore cause AO to dissolve the Untheric pantheon completely.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    26 Kythorn - The Time of Flowers

    Waukeen escapes the Realms.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Waukeen entrusts her divinity to her goddess friend Lliira and smuggles herself out of the Realms, travelling to the Astral Plane with the help of a Celestian, god of Wanderers from the sphere of Oerth. However, she is soon betrayed and imprisoned in the Abyss by the arch-demon Graz'zt.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Flamerule - Summertide

    The Red Knight defends Tethyr.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk is inhabited by the avatar of the Red Knight during the Time of Troubles. Through her, the Red Knight assists in stopping a horde of monsters from the Forest of Tethir from invading Tethyr.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Flamerule - Summertide

    Unberlee patrols the Pirate Isles.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the Inner Sea Umberlee wandered the seas surrounding the Pirate Isles, attacking any pirates she met with hurricanes and storms, obliterating over two-thirds of the pirates' fleets. She also secretly appeared in the Trackless Sea after foreseeing the return of Iakhovas to make Slarkrethel her seraph.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Flamerule - Summertide

    Malar and Nobanion battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Malar tries to creep into the Gulthmere Forest to prey upon the druids there. Nobanion stops him in a battle known as the Roar of Shadows and drives him away to the north-west, toward the Sword Coast.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Flamerule - Summertide

    Sseth is imprisoned.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A sarrukh priest of Okoth meets with the divine minions of Set, and, in exchange for magic and assistance to help the sarrukh in their war against the khaasta, they agree to bind the god Sseth into everlasting sleep in the Abyss, allowing Set to usurp the worship of Sseth.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Flamerule - Summertide

    Moander is killed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Moander, ancient deity of rot, corruption, and decay, is brought back to the Realms by a tribe of Saurials of the Forgotten Vale, whom he enslaved. However, with help from the Harpers, Alias, Finder Wyvernspur, and a saurial paladin named Dragonbait, he is forced back into the Abyss. Finder then destroys Moander and becomes a demi-power himself, converting the portfolio of decay and rot into one of the cycle of life.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    5 Flamerule - Summertide
    1358 DR

    Marpenoth - Leafall

    Malaugrym (unsuccessfully) invade Faerûn.

    Under cover of the Time of Troubles, a host of malaugrym arrive in Faerûn with plans to infiltrate Faerûnian society and kill and replace many important people, as well as kill Elminster. However, the majority of malaugrym and defeated and killed, a few fleeing to parts unknown.

  • 1358 DR

    5 Flamerule - Summertide

    Malyk becomes a demi-power of wild magic in the Underdark.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The drow lich Malyk comes across a powerful area of wild magic beneath Castle Crag. Somehow, he manages to steal a part of Mystra's divine essence from the zone, and in the process becomes a minor demigod.
    Most of Malyk's worshipers were drawn from young drow spellcasters who had been experimenting with wild magic. Though wild mages of other races did take up his cause, the vast majority were beings usually found in the Underdark.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    15 Flamerule - Summertide

    House Oblodra attempts a coup in Menzoberranzan.
    Political event

    House Oblodra (with its psionic powers unaffected by the Time of Troubles) plots to seize power over the drow city of Menzoberranzan. However, as the Troubles end, they are defeated and destroyed by House Baenre.

  • 1358 DR

    18 Flamerule - Summertide

    Bane is killed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Second battle of Shadowdale, fought between Zhentarim forces led by Bane and the people of the Dalelands, Bane's avatar was destroyed.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    25 Flamerule - Summertide

    Bane is revived.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul summons Bane's essence to possess Fzoul Chembryl, the ambitious Chosen and High Priest of Bane.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR


    Mystra is destroyed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Mystra, greater goddess of magic and among the most powerful of the gods, was in turn destroyed when she attempted to bypass Helm at the Celestial Stairway.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    Clangeddin Silverbeard and Labelas Enoreth battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The avatars of the deities Clangeddin Silverbeard and Labelas Enoreth clash on Ruathym, turning the island into a battleground. Labela wins the battle.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    Kalzareinad dies.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The demigod of dragon magic, Kalzareinad, dies after the dragon goddess of magic, Kereska, entirely subsumed his portfolio and worshipers.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Eleasis - Highsun

    Silvanus wanders the woods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Silvanus is sighted exploring the Winterwood and the depths of the Chondalwood. He is also said to have bestowed a special blessing upon the island of Ilighôn, the base of the Emerald Enclave and his Chosen.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    2 Eleasis - Highsun

    Hoar kills Ramman.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Time of Troubles, the Untheric god Hoar, also known as Assuran, stalked the Old Empires, appearing in Akanax, where he took the body of King Hippartes as his avatar. Then he appeared in Thay to obtain a cache of weapons, and he showed up in Unther, where he slew his ancient rival Ramman. However, Anhur swooped in and took Ramman's portfolio before Hoar could gain control. With Ramman's death, only Tiamat and Hoar remained of the Untheric pantheon, and they were subsumed into the Faerûnian pantheon.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    12 Eleasis - Highsun

    Myrkul's clerics kill most assasins in Faerûn.
    Criminal Activity

    Thanks to the machinations of the gods Bane and Myrkul, the deaths of Bhaal and many assassins see the Shadow Thieves of Amn lose two-thirds of their assassin membership and their entire Shade Council. They extensively restructure.   On Eleasis 13, Myrkul assisted Bane with their continued pursuit of the tablets and had his clergy work to create and cast a mass-scale death spell that, by use of their true names, killed all of the assassins throughout Faerûn. These souls were consumed by Bane and his worshipers in an ultimately futile attempt for the Black Lord to assault the Temple of Torm's Coming in the city of Tantras, where one of the tablets rested under guard.

  • 1358 DR

    13 Eleasis - Highsun

    Bane and Torm kill each other in battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    • Bane, greater god of tyranny, strife and hatred, a member of the Dead Three, is slain in a climactic battle with the demigod Torm in battle outside of Tantras.
    • Torm, demigod and patron deity of paladins, is annihilated by Bane with his dying breath. He was later resurrected by AO because he died fulfilling the obligations of his portfolio.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    21 Eleasis - Highsun

    The Zhentarim are defeated at the battle of Ascore.
    Military action

    • The Battle of Ascore occurs, and ruins the Zhentarim plan to expand their territory westwards.
    The Heroes of Ascore fought off the combined forces of the Zhentarim, Kraken Society, the Arcane Brotherhood, and several monsters, using ancient Netherese statuettes and a ring of reversal. During the battle the ancient bricks of Ascore rose up, revealing a horde of undead, which dragged the Zhentarim general, Lord Vaalgamon, and his contingent of troops, beneath the earth. Ice Mountain orcs and trolls attacked from the west, the armies of Zhentarim troops charged from the east, and mercenaries moved in from the south. With the help of the wizard Amelior Amanitas the Heroes activated the statuettes, which called forth legions of monsters, including purple worms. These monsters stormed the battlefield from the rear, and all present destroyed each other in a dire battle. Except the Heroes, they escaped.

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  • 1358 DR

    Eleint - The Fading
    1358 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Nesmé is attacked by the Griffon tribe in Eleint and surrenders to them in Uktar.
    Military action
  • 1358 DR

    16 Eleint - The Fading

    Bhaal is slain.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Bhaal is Slain by Cyric using Godsbane (Mask).

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    16 Eleint - The Fading

    Bhaal is slain by Cyric
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Bhaal, intermediate god of murder, was slain by the young mortal Cyric with the sword Godsbane. However, Bhaal had foreseen his own death, and had populated Faerûn with his progeny, the Bhaalspawn, in a bid to resurrect himself.

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  • 1358 DR

    Marpenoth - Leafall

    Rebellion in Llorkh.
    Political event

    • A dwarf rebellion broke out in Llorkh. Jarbarkas, who joined the Waterdhavian volunteer force aiding the resistance, was captured after a Zhentarim ambush. Despite being interrogated by Geildarr Ithym, Jarbarkas refused to divulge information, so Geildarr animated a giant skeleton to kill the prisoner, but he was saved by the Heroes of Ascore and the dwarven resistance force. The Heroes proceeded to enter the Lord's Keep, defeating Geildarr and his female companion Cortarra to rescue Jarbarkas and Siulajia.
    • The evil enchantress Cortarra was killed in a battle against the Heroes of Ascore.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 Marpenoth - Leafall

    Myrkul is slain.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul, greater god of the dead and another of the Dead Three, was killed in a duel with Midnight, a mortal woman wielding the powers of Mystra, in the skies over the city of Waterdeep.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    15 Marpenoth - Leafall

    Midnight and Cyric ascend to godhood
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After valiant heroes (among them the mortals Cyric and Midnight) recovered the Tablets of Fate and returned them to AO, they were raised to godhood by AO.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    15 Marpenoth - Leafall

    Myrkul is slain by Midnight
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul, greater god of the dead and another of the Dead Three, is killed in a duel with Midnight, a mortal woman wielding the powers of Mystra, in the skies over the city of Waterdeep. In his death, Myrkul infused the sinister Crown of Horns with the remnants of his essence, and teleported it away. He also left behind a curse called the Spirit-eater, actually the half-destroyed soul of one of his Chosen.

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  • 1358 DR

    16 Marpenoth - Leafall

    The pharaohs of Mulhorand are allowed to ascend.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lord AO lifts the Imaskari planar barrier that prevented the Mulhorandi god-kings from reuniting with their divine essences on the Outer Planes. The physical incarnations of the Mulhorandi gods depart Faerûn and leave governance of the empire to mortal rulers under their guidance.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    The Ebondeath Sect collapses.
    Religious event

    With Myrkul's death, the Ebondeath Sect of the Mere of Dead Men falls apart.

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  • 1358 DR

    Uktar - The Rotting

    Kir-lanan manifest.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Some of the energy released when Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul are slain combines to form a race of forsaken beings called the kir-lanan.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    Nightal - The Drawing Down

    The city of Nesmé rejects its theocracy.
    Political event

    Following the Godswar, the priesthood of Waukeen loses its hold over the city of Nesmé, as Waukeen was apparently dead and Nesmé's temple dissolved. Tessarin Alaurun, a staunch opponent of the theocracy, called for and then organized an election wherein the large population of adventurers living in the town at the time led the voting. They elected a council that was more focused on the town's defense than it's wealth and Tessarin became First Speaker

  • 1358 DR

    18 Nightal - The Drawing Down

    Cyric uses Godsbane to murder Leira.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the Avatar Crisis, Cyric and Mask murder Leira, though her faithful claim she faked her own death in a grand illusion. Cyric, the mad god,  absorbs her portfolio.

    Additional timelines
  • 1359 DR

    Bahamut calls to him dragonborn from many races.

    Members of non-dragon humanoid races begin to hear the call of Bahamut, and many of undergo the Rite of Rebirth, transforming themselves into dragonborn of Bahamut.

  • 1360 DR

    Zhentil Keep aids in battling the invading Tuigans.
    Military action

    Zhentil Keep contributes an orc army to Azoun IV's crusade against the invading Tuigan Horde, and they journey to Thesk to meet him.

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  • 1360 DR

    Zhentarim caravans raided in Anauroch
    Financial Event

    The Harper Lander and the witch Ruha greatly disrupt Zhentarim caravans in the Anauroch.

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  • 1360 DR

    The Silver Supplicant briefly reappears in Waterdeep.

    One night in summer, a woman, clad in nothing but a falcon-head carnival mask, is observed walking from the City of the Dead in Waterdeep to that city’s south gate holding high what appears to be the real Silver Supplicant, when only fakes have been seen for the last 200 years.

    Additional timelines
  • 1360 DR

    Zhent agents steal (and lose) the Wyverncrown.
    Criminal Activity

    The Wyverncrown of Cormyr is stolen by Zhent agents led by the famed thief Nith. He loses it in a region of wild magic in the Helmlands.

    Additional timelines
  • 1361 DR

    Luskan conqueres Rauthym
    Military action

    Luskan conquers Ruathym again, but the Lords' Alliance threatens war and forces a withdrawal.

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  • 1361 DR

    Skirmishes in Skullport
    Criminal Activity

    The Chosen of Eilistraee from the Promenade have skirmishes with and attack the Dragon's Hoard merchant company's headquarters in Skullport.

    Additional timelines
  • 1361 DR

    Archmages attack Silverymoon

    Four archmages of the Cult of the Dragon come to Silverymoon and hurl spells to provoke Alustriel Silverhand to confront them. Alustriel and Taern "Thunderspell" Hornblade destroy two of the archmages, but a Cult dracolich then assaults the southern walls. Taern and the Spellguard deal with the dracolich, leaving Alustriel to face the remaining archmages alone. She slays one, but only the fortuitous arrival of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun and Laeral Silverhand save her life against the last.

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  • 1361 DR

    Zhentarim leadership relocate after the coup at Zhentil Keep
    Military action

    Following the Cyricist takeover of Zhentil Keep, Manshoon makes the Citadel of the Raven the new headquarters for the Zhentarim.

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  • 1361 DR

    Lolth declares truce in Menzoberranzan.
    Cultural event

    Lolth sends a yochlol to Menzoberranzan during a sacrifice of a drow male. The handmaiden decrees the new laws of the Spider Queen. There should be peace among all houses, no drow must be sacrificed, even males and children should be treated well. All this is to strengthen the city after the turmoil and losses of the recent past. Until Lolth declares the end of this peace, every house that breaks these rules will be punished by her. The yochlol also named the new twenty strongest houses of the city.

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  • 1361 DR

    Cyricists perform a coup in Zhentil Keep.
    Political event

    The followers of Cyric seize control of Zhentil Keep. Xeno Mirrormane leads an inquisition/holy war known as the First Banedeath in an effort to scour the city of the existing Bane worshipers. They given the option to worship Cyric or die.

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  • 1362 DR

    Mithral Halls crowns its 9th King.
    Political event

    Bruenor Battlehammer abdicates as Eighth King of Mithral Hall, leaving the throne to the restored Gandalug Battlehammer, now both First King and Ninth King.

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  • 1363 DR

    Battle of Daggerford
    Military action

    Devils emerge from portals in Dragonspear Castle and gather an army of ogres, kobolds, orcs, all kinds of goblinoids, and a black dragon. In the Second Dragonspear War, the Hordes of Dragonspear overrun and destroy the village of Way Inn and its namesake, before moving to attack Daggerford. The Hordes are defeated in the Battle of Daggerford by a hastily made alliance of dwarves, elves from the Misty Forest, paladins of Ilmater, mercenaries, local militia, and a troop of the City Guard of Waterdeep.

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  • 1364 DR

    Mirtul - The Melting

    Droughts and unrest in Waterdeep

    In Waterdeep, droughts, increased monster activity, and political unrest plague the city in the months before Midsummer. A green dragon named Grimnoshtadrano, the Riddling Dragon of the High Forest, and a mad bard and ex-Harper named Iriador "Garnet" Wintermist disrupt Shieldmeet, which nearly upsets the Lord's Rule.

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  • 1368 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    Galaer Grasswave is chosen as Green Regent

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    Green Regent
  • 1369 DR

    The Green Regent is killed
    Life, Death

    Galaer Grasswave killed by Malarites in a raid on Loudwater during a blood moon

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    Green Regent
  • 1372 DR


    A Green Regent is chosen.
    Religious event

    In a surprise that shocked all of Loudwater, Otar the Orc chieftan is chosen as the Green Regent during the ceremony of the Scions at the Shieldmeet of 1372. The Circle of the Stag is accused of somehow tricking the holy ceremony, or outright blasphemy against Mielikki.

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    Green Regent