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Silver Marches

This confederation, formerly known as Luruar, is formed from a defensive alliance of humans, elves, and dwarves in the mountainous area to the north of the High Forest. At its center was the city of Silverymoon, a place of learning and magic, and it is lead by the High Lady Alustriel Silverhand, one of the Seven Sisters. It includes the cities of Sundabar, Everlund, Mithral Hall, Citadel Adbar, Deadsnows, Jalanthar, Quaervarr, Citadel Felbarr, and the drow city of Menzoberranzan within the Underdark. The stated goal of the League of the Silver Marches is to protect the North against the growing horde of orcs in the mountains, and the nation is also a member of the Lords' Alliance.


It is bordered by the Anauroch desert to the east, the High Forest to the south, the Savage Frontier to the west and the Spine of the World mountain range to the north. It also shares a border with the Kingdom of Many-Arrows.  

Geographical features

Bodies of Water

  • Icespear River: This river wound around the northern stretch of the Rauvin Mountains before being crossed by the Fork Road.
  • River Rauvin: The great many boats, rafts and merchant-barges that passed along this river granted its moniker of the "Road Through the Marches".
  • Redrum: The Redrun flowed south from the Spine of the World and met with the mighty Rauvin just north of Sundabar.
  • River Surbrin: Running between the Frost Hills and the Moonwood, this river continued west into the Dessarin Valley.


  • Arn Forest: The remote Arn Forest was home to a small community of rock gnomes.
  • Glimmerwood: This vast woodland encompassed three, adjacent forests:
    • Cold Wood: This pine, birch and spruce forest has remained unmarked by civilized settlers or foresters. While it was home to some of the Uthgardt tribes, orcs and ettins have also been known to roam the woods.
    • Druarwood: The sparse trees of this forest served as refuge for many orcs and giants that came down from the Spine of the World.
    • Moonwood: This large forest north of Silverymoon was free of goblinoid races. This was due to the large population of lycanthropes, many of whom are members of the People of the Black Blood.
  • Night Trees: Nearly all of the intelligent races of the marches avoided the two diminutive forests and the mysterious temple-tower that lay within.
  • Silverwood: Previous connected to the great High Forest, these woods were since seperated by the Everlund Pass.
  • Vordrorn Forest: Also known as the "Ghostwood", this unexplored forest was one of the most menacing locales in the area.

Hills and Mountains

  • Ice Mountains: The harsh, freezing gales that blew down from these mountains whipped down across the surrounding valleys.
  • Ice Spires: Located beyond these dual ranges was the realm of Hartsvale, the home of men who were said to be descended from giants.
  • Nether Mountains: There were many monsters that spread from these mountain ranges to the surrounding areas.
  • Rauvin Mountains: The River Rauvin passes through the peaks in a steep-sided, mist-filled gorge of roaring white water. There was a perilous trail in the gorge that runs through the Dead Orc Pass to the north side of the Rauvin that contains a strong and aggressive orc tribe.
  • Surbrin Hills:These northern hills held the ancestral mound of the Uthgardt Griffon tribe, called Griffon's Nest. As such, few travelers ventured near the region.


  • Moonlands: Located north of River Rauvin and east of River Surbrin, this stretch of wilderness was claimed as part of the territories of at least three Uthgardt tribes.
  • Old Delzoun: The area that was once home to a kingdom of dwarves comprised the eastern part of the Cold Run, the Adbar Run further west, and the Sundabar Vale to the south.


  • Adbar Run: This wild and untamed area was home to orcish and goblinoids.
  • Cold Vale: The northern-most of the marches' valleys spread down from the Spine of the World.
  • Sundabar Vale: Encompassing its namesake city and its surrounding holds, this central valley was nestled between the Nether and Rauvin Mountains.
  • Rauvin Vale: Considered by many to be the heart of the Silver Marches, this bountiful valley was dotted with thriving holdings, farmsteads and small villages.


  • Silver Marches
    The Silver Marches, or Luruar
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

  • 1357 DR


    An expedition searches for a means east across the Anauroch.
    Discovery, Exploration

    Liantha, a priestess of Tymora in Silverymoon sets out eastward with a band of adventurers looking for passageway across the Anauroch desert to the Eastern Heartlands.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR


    The Company of the Cloak is founded.

    The Company of the Cloak forms in Scornubel under the leadership of the minor mage Mhair Gulzrabban.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR


    Mithral Hall defends against House Baenre.
    Military action

    • Lady Alustriel forges an alliance with Bruenor Battlehammer of Mithral Hall and helps defend the dwarf halls against the drow of House Baenre, leading an army drow, goblins, and kobolds of Menzoberranzan in an attack against Mithril Hall. The dwarves are joined by local barbarian tribes, svirfneblin, the forces of Nesmé and Silverymoon, and the Harpells of Longsaddle. Together, they defeat the drow and force them back underground.
    • In the Battle of Keeper's Dale, many good folk are killed when the drow horde attacks Mithral Hall, including Knight in Silver Besnell, the svirfneblin Firble, and the Harpell wizard Regweld Harpell.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR

    1358 DR


    An exceptionally cold winter
    Population Migration / Travel

    The winter is one of the coldest and snowiest in memory. Frost giants wander as far south as Longsaddle.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR


    Drizzt helps defeat some raiders.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Heading to Silverymoon at the invitation of Alustriel, Drizzt Do'Urden comes across the path of a band of orc and ogre raiders and their captives. Joining with a band of farmers from Pengallen, they defeat the band, though not before one of the slaves—a goblin named Nojheim—escapes. Having been told the goblin was a captured war band leader who was to have a trial, Drizzt tracks him down and returns him, whereupon he learns that Nojheim is as temperamentally different a goblin as Drizzt is a drow, and a slave owned by Rico Pengallen. Traveling to Silverymoon to appeal to Alustriel's justice, Drizzt isn't there to stop Nojheim's owner from killing him.

    Additional timelines
  • 1357 DR


    Artemis Entreri attempts to assassinate Drizzt Do'Urden.
    Criminal Activity

    In the guise of the halfling Regis, the assassin Artemis Entreri comes to Mithral Hall. He battles Drizzt Do'Urden, but is defeated and left for dead. However, he is later rescued by Jarlaxle and the Bregan D'aerthe, who take him to Menzoberranzan. Later this year, while Drizzt and Catti-brie escape the city, he joins them.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 17:00

    The Time of Troubles begins when Lord AO casts out the gods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Time of Troubles is precipated when the gods Bane and Myrkul try to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity, AO. Fed up with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord AO relegates every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on Toril.

  • 1358 DR

    21 /12

    The Zhentarim are defeated at the battle of Ascore.
    Military action

    • The Battle of Ascore occurs, and ruins the Zhentarim plan to expand their territory westwards.
    The Heroes of Ascore fought off the combined forces of the Zhentarim, Kraken Society, the Arcane Brotherhood, and several monsters, using ancient Netherese statuettes and a ring of reversal. During the battle the ancient bricks of Ascore rose up, revealing a horde of undead, which dragged the Zhentarim general, Lord Vaalgamon, and his contingent of troops, beneath the earth. Ice Mountain orcs and trolls attacked from the west, the armies of Zhentarim troops charged from the east, and mercenaries moved in from the south. With the help of the wizard Amelior Amanitas the Heroes activated the statuettes, which called forth legions of monsters, including purple worms. These monsters stormed the battlefield from the rear, and all present destroyed each other in a dire battle. Except the Heroes, they escaped.

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR

    1358 DR


    Nesmé is attacked by the Griffon tribe in Eleint and surrenders to them in Uktar.
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 1358 DR


    The city of Nesmé rejects its theocracy.
    Political event

    Following the Godswar, the priesthood of Waukeen loses its hold over the city of Nesmé, as Waukeen was apparently dead and Nesmé's temple dissolved. Tessarin Alaurun, a staunch opponent of the theocracy, called for and then organized an election wherein the large population of adventurers living in the town at the time led the voting. They elected a council that was more focused on the town's defense than it's wealth and Tessarin became First Speaker

    Additional timelines
  • 1361 DR

    Archmages attack Silverymoon

    Four archmages of the Cult of the Dragon come to Silverymoon and hurl spells to provoke Alustriel Silverhand to confront them. Alustriel and Taern "Thunderspell" Hornblade destroy two of the archmages, but a Cult dracolich then assaults the southern walls. Taern and the Spellguard deal with the dracolich, leaving Alustriel to face the remaining archmages alone. She slays one, but only the fortuitous arrival of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun and Laeral Silverhand save her life against the last.

    Additional timelines
  • 1362 DR

    Mithral Halls crowns its 9th King.
    Political event

    Bruenor Battlehammer abdicates as Eighth King of Mithral Hall, leaving the throne to the restored Gandalug Battlehammer, now both First King and Ninth King.

    Additional timelines


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