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The Gods

The Histories of the various Deities of Faerûn.

  • 1357 DR

    The avatar of deity Moander is risen and destroyed in Cormanthor.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In 1357 DR, the mercenary Alias and her party were manipulated by cultists into freeing the Abomination for a time as described in The Finder's Stone trilogy by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb. Alias, her friends, and the dragon Mist destroyed the Abomination after it had wrought terrible destruction in Cormanthor and Westgate.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 17:00

    The Time of Troubles begins when Lord AO casts out the gods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Time of Troubles is precipated when the gods Bane and Myrkul try to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity, AO. Fed up with the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord AO relegates every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on Toril.

  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 18:00

    Sekolah, Anhur, Umberlee, and others manifest in the Inner Sea
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sekolah, Anhur, and Umberlee, along with lesser gods of water, manifest in the Inner Sea, resulting in disturbances to the underwater region of Serôs.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 18:00

    Bane falls to Toril in a rain of fire.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Amidst a rain of fire, Bane's spirit falls from the sky and directly onto the Black Altar, his temple in Zhentil Keep, in an event known there as The Arrival.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 18:00

    Sseth battles Ubtao
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sseth's avatar makes a brief appearance over the Lapal Sea, and then battles Ubtao's dinosaur avatar on the eastern side of the jungles of Chult. After the battle Sseth entered a deep sleep.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /8 18:00

    The avatar of Tempus manifests in Battledale
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After being ejected from his celestial plane by AO, Tempus lands in Battledale. The Abbey of the Sword is later built over the location where the god physically manifested on Toril during the Time of Troubles.

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  • 1358 DR

    22 /8

    Gilgeam kills Tiamat.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Time of Troubles, after AO banished the gods from the planes, the Tiamat's avatar of the Dark Lady was transformed back into her three-headed Untheric avatar, which was then promptly slain by Gilgeam's own avatar. Even so, her divine essence was somehow divided into three and came to inhabit Tchazzar, Gestaniius, and Skuthosiin, three powerful chromatic dragons. Tchazzar devoured the other two, combining the three essences and ushering in the reappearance of Tiamat's more powerful five-headed form, which she used to kill Gilgeam (causing great destruction to the city of Unthalass) and therefore cause AO to dissolve the Untheric pantheon completely.

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  • 1358 DR

    26 /8

    Waukeen escapes the Realms.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Waukeen entrusts her divinity to her goddess friend Lliira and smuggles herself out of the Realms, travelling to the Astral Plane with the help of a Celestian, god of Wanderers from the sphere of Oerth. However, she is soon betrayed and imprisoned in the Abyss by the arch-demon Graz'zt.

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  • 1358 DR


    Sseth is imprisoned.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A sarrukh priest of Okoth meets with the divine minions of Set, and, in exchange for magic and assistance to help the sarrukh in their war against the khaasta, they agree to bind the god Sseth into everlasting sleep in the Abyss, allowing Set to usurp the worship of Sseth.

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  • 1358 DR


    Malar and Nobanion battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Malar tries to creep into the Gulthmere Forest to prey upon the druids there. Nobanion stops him in a battle known as the Roar of Shadows and drives him away to the north-west, toward the Sword Coast.

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  • 1358 DR


    Unberlee patrols the Pirate Isles.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the Inner Sea Umberlee wandered the seas surrounding the Pirate Isles, attacking any pirates she met with hurricanes and storms, obliterating over two-thirds of the pirates' fleets. She also secretly appeared in the Trackless Sea after foreseeing the return of Iakhovas to make Slarkrethel her seraph.

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  • 1358 DR


    The Red Knight defends Tethyr.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk is inhabited by the avatar of the Red Knight during the Time of Troubles. Through her, the Red Knight assists in stopping a horde of monsters from the Forest of Tethir from invading Tethyr.

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  • 1358 DR


    Moander is killed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Moander, ancient deity of rot, corruption, and decay, is brought back to the Realms by a tribe of Saurials of the Forgotten Vale, whom he enslaved. However, with help from the Harpers, Alias, Finder Wyvernspur, and a saurial paladin named Dragonbait, he is forced back into the Abyss. Finder then destroys Moander and becomes a demi-power himself, converting the portfolio of decay and rot into one of the cycle of life.

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  • 1358 DR

    5 /9

    Malyk becomes a demi-power of wild magic in the Underdark.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The drow lich Malyk comes across a powerful area of wild magic beneath Castle Crag. Somehow, he manages to steal a part of Mystra's divine essence from the zone, and in the process becomes a minor demigod.
    Most of Malyk's worshipers were drawn from young drow spellcasters who had been experimenting with wild magic. Though wild mages of other races did take up his cause, the vast majority were beings usually found in the Underdark.

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  • 1358 DR

    18 /9

    Bane is killed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Second battle of Shadowdale, fought between Zhentarim forces led by Bane and the people of the Dalelands, Bane's avatar was destroyed.

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  • 1358 DR

    25 /9

    Bane is revived.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul summons Bane's essence to possess Fzoul Chembryl, the ambitious Chosen and High Priest of Bane.

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  • 1358 DR


    Mystra is destroyed.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Mystra, greater goddess of magic and among the most powerful of the gods, was in turn destroyed when she attempted to bypass Helm at the Celestial Stairway.

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  • 1358 DR


    Clangeddin Silverbeard and Labelas Enoreth battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The avatars of the deities Clangeddin Silverbeard and Labelas Enoreth clash on Ruathym, turning the island into a battleground. Labela wins the battle.

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  • 1358 DR


    Kalzareinad dies.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The demigod of dragon magic, Kalzareinad, dies after the dragon goddess of magic, Kereska, entirely subsumed his portfolio and worshipers.

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  • 1358 DR


    Silvanus wanders the woods.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Silvanus is sighted exploring the Winterwood and the depths of the Chondalwood. He is also said to have bestowed a special blessing upon the island of Ilighôn, the base of the Emerald Enclave and his Chosen.

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  • 1358 DR

    2 /12

    Hoar kills Ramman.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Time of Troubles, the Untheric god Hoar, also known as Assuran, stalked the Old Empires, appearing in Akanax, where he took the body of King Hippartes as his avatar. Then he appeared in Thay to obtain a cache of weapons, and he showed up in Unther, where he slew his ancient rival Ramman. However, Anhur swooped in and took Ramman's portfolio before Hoar could gain control. With Ramman's death, only Tiamat and Hoar remained of the Untheric pantheon, and they were subsumed into the Faerûnian pantheon.

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  • 1358 DR

    13 /12

    Bane and Torm kill each other in battle.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    • Bane, greater god of tyranny, strife and hatred, a member of the Dead Three, is slain in a climactic battle with the demigod Torm in battle outside of Tantras.
    • Torm, demigod and patron deity of paladins, is annihilated by Bane with his dying breath. He was later resurrected by AO because he died fulfilling the obligations of his portfolio.

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  • 1358 DR

    16 /13

    Bhaal is slain.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Bhaal is Slain by Cyric using Godsbane (Mask).

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  • 1358 DR

    16 /13

    Bhaal is slain by Cyric
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Bhaal, intermediate god of murder, was slain by the young mortal Cyric with the sword Godsbane. However, Bhaal had foreseen his own death, and had populated Faerûn with his progeny, the Bhaalspawn, in a bid to resurrect himself.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /15

    Myrkul is slain.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul, greater god of the dead and another of the Dead Three, was killed in a duel with Midnight, a mortal woman wielding the powers of Mystra, in the skies over the city of Waterdeep.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /15

    Myrkul is slain by Midnight
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Myrkul, greater god of the dead and another of the Dead Three, is killed in a duel with Midnight, a mortal woman wielding the powers of Mystra, in the skies over the city of Waterdeep. In his death, Myrkul infused the sinister Crown of Horns with the remnants of his essence, and teleported it away. He also left behind a curse called the Spirit-eater, actually the half-destroyed soul of one of his Chosen.

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  • 1358 DR

    15 /15

    Midnight and Cyric ascend to godhood
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After valiant heroes (among them the mortals Cyric and Midnight) recovered the Tablets of Fate and returned them to AO, they were raised to godhood by AO.

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  • 1358 DR

    16 /15

    The pharaohs of Mulhorand are allowed to ascend.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lord AO lifts the Imaskari planar barrier that prevented the Mulhorandi god-kings from reuniting with their divine essences on the Outer Planes. The physical incarnations of the Mulhorandi gods depart Faerûn and leave governance of the empire to mortal rulers under their guidance.

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  • 1358 DR

    18 /18

    Cyric uses Godsbane to murder Leira.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the Avatar Crisis, Cyric and Mask murder Leira, though her faithful claim she faked her own death in a grand illusion. Cyric, the mad god,  absorbs her portfolio.

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  • 1361 DR

    Cyricists perform a coup in Zhentil Keep.
    Political event

    The followers of Cyric seize control of Zhentil Keep. Xeno Mirrormane leads an inquisition/holy war known as the First Banedeath in an effort to scour the city of the existing Bane worshipers. They given the option to worship Cyric or die.

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