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The Red Blade Army


The Red Blade Army is an elite military order based in Themis, the capital city of Arisos. They are under the command of a Blade General, who controls their force wholly. Under his direct command are three Shield Generals (who oversee day-to-day operations) and The Council of Mages (who act as advisors to the Blade General).   The Red Blade Army is made up of warriors and spellcasters of all races. Their function is to act as a balancing force between the two human spellcasting organizations (Mer'anin - Vor'anin) and to protect powerful magic artifacts in the city of Themis.  


During the War of a Thousand Years

During the war of a thousand years period, the Red Blade Army was known by a different name: The Inquisition. They were originally founded by Kellanved, an ambitious member of the Vor'anin, who later became the king of one of the provinces that fought each other during The War of a Thousand Years. They combed the land in search of all dangers to humanity — whether they came in the form of mages, abominations, cultists or heretics. It was a dark and terrifying time in the history of Yllara, and one that only ended when Ourania Themis convinced the Inquisition to unite under the banner of their common faith (the pantheon of Light) to unite the world and usher a new era of peace and prosperity.   Due to the violent acts the Inquisition had carried out, Ourania Themis disbanded the group and combined its remnants with other Vor'anin, Mer'anin and Elf groups through the The Arisos Accords, to create what is now known as the Red Blade Army.  

Current Era

In the Current Era, the Red Blade's purpuse is to defend the artifacts and knowledge contained in Themis, the capital city of Arisos, and to keep the two magic organizations (Mer'anin and Vor'anin) in check. That means that the Red Blade Army has a variety of responsibilities, and so they are split into three different orders:
  • The Protectors of Truth: Protecting and expanding the technology Arisos houses
  • The Aegis: Maintaining balance between the Mer'anin and the Vor'anin. Ever since The Arisos Accords were signed during the War of a Thousand Years, The Red Blades have been an integral part of Mer'anin and Vor'anin society thanks to the Bonding Ritual. The Red Blades always have an inside view of spellcaster activities through the eyes of the Aegis, those Red Blade members that have been magically bonded to one of the Mer'anin or the Vor'anin.
  • The Inquisition: Ending supernatural threats. Usually means executing rogue spellcasters and clearing out magical monsters such as Aberrations, Dragons, Elementals, Fiends, Monstrosities, and Undead. They also carry out searches for young, untrained spellcasters to recruit into the Red Blade Army.


The Blade General has total authority over the Red Blade Army. Under the Blade General are three Shield Generals, each oversees their own individual branch of operations:
  1. "The High Protector" commands the Protectors of Truth and is ultimately responsible for the protection of the city and treasures of Themis.
  2. The "Aegis Supreme" commands the Aegis Red Blades and is ultimately responsible for keeping the Mer'anin and Vor'anin in check
  3. The "High Inquisitor" commands the Inquisition and is ultimately responsible for exterminating supernatural threats.
  The Council of Mages is comprised of 6 members, with an equal number of representatives from the Mer'anin, the Vor'anin and the Elves of Myfenor. The Council was founded by the The Arisos Accords and ensures that the three major spellcasting organizations participate in the Red Blades' missions. All three organizations are required to committ spellcasters in equal numbers to assist in Red Blade business, and these spellcasters answer to the council.   The Council of Mages has an advisory role to the Blade General. The council's only functional responsibilities are to: (a) Advise the Blade General (b) Make sure that all spellcasters under its command (always members of the Mer'anin, Vor'anin and Pillar of Corellon) act according to the Blade General's wishes.  


Red Blades recruit on three fronts:
    Male spellcasters that are discovered in Mer'anin territory are sent to Arisos for Red Blade initiation.
  • Female spellcasters that are discovered in Vor'anin territory are sent to Arisos for Red Blade initiation.
  • Volunteers that are exceptionally skilled in combat are sometimes accepted
Those recruits able to yield The Weave soon lose that ability through extended contact with Veinstone.  

Heart of Veinstone

Ever since their founding during the war of a thousand eyars, the Red Blades' hallmark has been the Veinstone Blade. From the first day of their training, recruits are given a piece of veinstone and are required to always carry it with them. The medallion iseither returned upon completing the Initiate Challenge, or used to forge the Red Blade's own Veinstone Blade as part of the Ascention Test.  

red blade training & ascention test

During training, all recruits are at the rank of "Red Blade Initiate". At any point during his/her training, an initiate can participate in the Initiate Challenge. The challenge is a test that confirms the initiate is no longer able to touch the Weave (thanks to their Veinstone medallion) and also ranks the initiate according to their level of martial ability.   Initiates that do not meet a certain performance criteria are free to return home, after returning their Veinstone medallion. Those that pass the performance criteria are invited to take the "Ascention Test". Those that refuse are free to return home.   The Ascention Test is the ultimate proving ground of an initiate. It is challenging and requires the crafting of the initiate's own blade made of Veinstone. At the end, the Initiate gains the title "Red Blade", takes the Red Blade Oath and chooses their preferred order.  

Red Blade Oath

Every Red Blade takes this oath at the end of their ascention test, right before they choose their preferred Red Blade Order (Protectors of Truth, Aegis or Inquisition):
  • I will obey any and all commands given by my superiors.
  • My absolute loyalty lies with the Blade General above all else.
  • I will not allow the use of magic by anyone not bearing the distinctive marks of the sanctioned schools of magic: The Mer'anin of Allamir, the Vor'anin of Asmal, the Pillar of Corellon of Myfenor, the Temple of Torag of the dwarves or the Circle of the Moon druids.

    Noteable red blades

    Julyan Bayes, The Blade General
  • Aaryn Bells, The High Protector, Shield General
  • Zacharus Iobar, The Aegis Supreme, Shield General
  • Jaeremiah Fellblade, The High Inquisitor, Shield General
  • the council of mages:
  • Iamos Bridges, Vor'anin Counselor
  • Kefjan Shine, Vor'anin Counselor
  • Madyisa Oars, Mer'anin Counselor
  • Aelisabeth Brightstar, Meranin Counselor
  • Calarel Rivleam(Female) Myfenor Counselor
  • Pleufan Ellarian (Male), Myfenor Counselor
  • red blade ranks

    distinguishing features

    An amulet made of pure veinstone, which they carry on them since training. A blade made of veinstone, which they receive upon training completion. Typically medium armor, though can sometimes be heavy, depending on their duties. In formal occasions, bright red cloak with their symbol designed on it. A silver belt-buckle that denotes their order (shaped like a flame for an Aegis, a shield for a Protector, and a sword pommel for an Inquisitor)

    Man over magic

    Military Order

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