Violeta Balor

Viscountess Violeta Balor

Viscountess Violeta Balor's family came into their position at Taernsby in the last five generations when the family's matriarch, her great-grandmother, Viola Balor was promised to a local knight to expand their territory further north by her mother Octavia Balor. That knight, unfortunately, was killed before the marriage could be presented to the people, let alone officially consummated. This setback did not inhibit Viola from expanding her sphere of influence and the Balors have gained the promised territory from the failed marriage, and then some, through diplomacy, barter, and general politicking, becoming very important in the Salvae Empire.   Violeta's sphere of influence encompasses the villages, trade routes, and outposts from the northeastern and eastern edges of the Baltos Forest northward towards the Song Maiden's Bay and Norbury and eastward towards Torrin stretching as far east to the extreme edges of the Ancola Forest. She has trained extensively under Salvae court scholars and magic practitioners, yet the arcane skills the Balor women seem to take in stride show their aptitudes are more than rigorous study. Her magical skills have helped many of the citizens under her rule, though a great many still fear her power as the arcane is, and has been, something that can be abused to horrid endings.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Matriarchial Appitude for the Arcane Arts



Curt and Straight-forward
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Viscountess of Taernsby   Sentry of the Bay
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Chateau Balor
Long, Sleek and Straight, Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
120 lbs
Ruled Locations