Balor Family

House Balor has been involved in the Salvan courts since the later decades of the Second Age, their influence and prowess coming into full swing during the Third Age despite the marriage proposal set forth by the family's matriarch, Octavia Balor for her daughter, Viola, falling through that would have propelled her family far quicker as they were an incredibly young house in comparison to some of the other Salvan Houses at the time. The family's seat of power has always been the Chateau Balor and the town of Taernsby that has grown just outside of the mansion. And as the town slowly grew over five generations of Balor matriarchs, so did the family's overall influence over the Bay Watch region through general politicking has cemented their place as one of the more prominent houses in the Empire's court; the arcane bloodline gifts that the family is well-known for well-beyond their territory also may hold some sway over the country's nobles.   The women of the Balor Bloodline have always had a natural and powerful affinity for the arcane, despite being mere humans, be they learned and accomplished students of renowned practitioners from the Academy or naturally gifted by some outside force, mainly from hearsay for the town and its rulers close proximity to the magically-dense Baltos Forest. It seems to not matter to the Balors, so long as the child born is a girl, there always seems to be some level of magical affinity that is waiting to be tapped into and harnessed.   This prowess and influence in the courts of Arine made the family politically important to the Emperors of the Empire and rose the family to their present Viscountship and with it a large sphere of influence both regionally and within the Arinian courts. While the Balors are far from a military family, their most loyal bannermen include two local Barons, a Tiefling baroness, and a Half-Wood Elf knight that wanders to and from the Baltos and serves as her direct pipeline to Kasluma as well as her eyes and ears beyond the oft silent walls of the chateau, along with a handful of other knights that serve the barons and baroness.

Where Life is, Death Preceded and Will Proceed It

Founding Date
751 ATS
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