
Torrin is a small settlement nestled off the Great Road of Kalbela, alongside the Twin Rivers of the Spine at the eastern section of the Bay Watch region of the Empire. The village sits in a political grey-zone between the baronies of House Romeri at High Point and House Thornfellow, the Lightfoot Halflings at the Lucky Brawler.   The village is home to around a hundred or so hardworking and friendly people who are tightly knit and rely on the travelers passing through to bring in trade and supplies. The Thistlecraft and Hull families have been the cornerstone of the community since its founding and the village has grown around them, both figuratively and literally.   The Thistlecrafts, a family of Forest Gnomes, are known for their artistic skills in crafting intricate and beautiful trinkets from the natural materials found in the surrounding area. Bauble Thistlecraft runs a small shop from her home, a large, hallowed oak tree near the center of town, where she sells these unique wares.   The Hulls, a family of humans, are known for their warm hospitality and service, running the local inn and tavern, The Tapped House, where travelers can rest, relax, and enjoy a hot meal. The inn is run by Desmond Hull, who is a pillar of stability and the unofficial leadership for the populace.   The village is also home to the local blacksmith, Gareth Blackwood, who is skilled in creating and repairing the everyday essentials that keep the village running. Gareth's workshop, located on the west side of the village, is a busy and well-worn place where he works tirelessly, crafting the tools and implements that are essential to the village's survival. The fiery orange glow of the forge illuminates the streets in the nighttime hours as he hammers away at red-hot metal, creating everything from the sharpest plowshares to the sturdiest horseshoes, from the wheels of the farmers' wagons to the hinges of the locals' doors. The villagers rely on him for all their metalworking needs and is a dependable and respected member of the community, who always has a kind word and a strong arm when someone needs help. The workshop is also a place where the villagers gather to share news, gossip, and laughter, and he is known for his generous spirit, providing repairs and services to the less fortunate on barter as coin is oft difficult to spare.   Torrin is surrounded by rolling farmlands, where the villagers grow crops and raise livestock. The Twin Rivers of the Spine flow peacefully, providing ample water for irrigation and schools of fish that migrate to and from Song Maiden's Bay.   Torrin is a peaceful and picturesque village where the people live in harmony with nature. The villagers are proud of their community and their way of life, and they welcome travelers with open arms. Despite its size, Torrin is a thriving community, where hard work and cooperation have created a prosperous and harmonious way of life. The village is a perfect place for those who seek a peaceful and idyllic life, surrounded by beautiful landscapes, friendly people and a sense of community.


Human- 88%   Dwarf- 3%   Half-Elf- 2%   Gnome- 4%   Other- 3%


Waist-high stone wall with wood palisades.   Wooden look-out tower with alarm bell about an eighth mile from the town.

Industry & Trade

Wild and domestic meats, timber, metals and ore, and agricultural goods


Watch Tower, Windmill, Watermill, Well System

Points of interest

The Tapped House- Local bar and inn   Baubles' Baubles- Local trading post   Smithy   Chapel of Chauntea   Fletcher   Small Stable   Tannery   Sawmill and Carpentry Shop


Primarily wood and thatch-roofed houses with stone bases.


Sitting on several miles of open plain alongside one of the Twin Rivers with farm fields and one of the mountains of the Broken Spine of Salazar about two days travel from Torrin.

Natural Resources

Timber, precious metals, stones, and minerals, grains, livestock, and wildgame.
Founding Date
915 ATS
Included Locations
Characters in Location